Bloody Nose!

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2013
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I have a jr English lop doe that I've had for about 3 weeks. Just now she was hopping around the yard, and my daughter came running in saying she had a bloody nose. Sure enough, she's got blood coming out of her right nostril. Not heavily, but still bleeding.
Is that a sign of disease? Maybe she got startled an bashed into something? Has anyone see that happen? My dd said she didn't see anything happen to her. She appears fine otherwise.
I've got her quarantined now.
She may have injured herself, or it could also be heat-related. I don't think it is a symptom of disease. I'm sure others who have more experience will chime in. :(
I saw from googling it that it could be heat related, but its not hot today, it's a really nice temp.
Our back yard is shaded, and they didn't even seem to mind the heat too much over the past few weeks either.
I'm hoping its just a minor injury :/
Deep breaths...she'll probably be okay. :) Any creature can have a burst blood vessel up there...just watch her closely for a few days for any more symptoms or more bleeding. :)
Last week, my dwarf doe had her nose bleed when she jumped out of my lap and hit the fence with her face. I wiped it off and she was fine. She took deep breaths though, probably because her nose was clogged. I checked her over today and she is all good.
I was just worried about some awful horrible disease that was going to kill her :)
I've never had a rabbit get a bloody nose before.
I just had to cull one of my four rabbits (just got them) last week for pasturella, so I'm a little paranoid about them all coming down with terrible diseases and bleeding out through the nose. Lol
Is she sneezing at all or does she have crusty, matted front paws? Rabbits with Pasteurella can have a bloody snot discharge too, I saw that in mine. I would watch them all very carefully if you have already had to cull one for P.
If she was frightened by something, the increase in blood pressure could have caused the bloody nose.

A couple of weeks ago I was using the pressure washer on my dropping boards, and one kit went completely nuts. It was spinning around the cage in a blind panic, and collapsed with a bloody nose. I picked it up immediately and stroked it firmly to bring it out of it, and it has been fine ever since.
She cleaned herself up and looks good today. Her nose is dry and clean, and she's eating well.

I have been monitoring them all closely since that other doe (who was culled) was first quarantined.

Miss Bloody Nose and the buck (I got them all from the same terrible lying person, whom I wont ever do business with again) had slightly wet noses and slightly rough patches on their inner paws, when I received them. I never saw the sellers barn. Maybe she had them in poor conditions, bad air quality or something.
Because that seems to have gone away since I've had them and they have lots of fresh air. They never had any white snot or other symptoms, I'm hoping it was just allergies to whatever.
Sould I be worried about them carrying Pasturella?
The fourth doe, a sr., never had any symptoms of sickness at all.