Blending fibers

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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Anyone know the micron count for angora? I was thinking of blending it, probably with merino. I finally just asked again what kind of sheep wool I have, and my herding instructor said she has cheviot and cheviot crosses, so it's medium I hope to have some merino coming soon. I am also thinking of not blending the angora at all.
I believe it is about a 14 micron count.

Congrats....When did you get Angoras? I have been so busy lately I am totally out of the loop of whats going on with who.<br /><br />__________ Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:57 pm __________<br /><br />Cheviot fleece has a micron measurement of 27.0 - 33.0

Shetland fleece has a micron measurement of 20 - 30

Fibers of 20 micron can easily be worn next to the skin. Those 30 microns or higher are good for mittens, hats and outer wear.
Blending with Angora should soften up your Cheviot fleece.
The French came from Indigo Egg and Fiber, the nutty buckeye rabbitry, the english/french crosses I got off of CL. I swear I'm not copying (hmm) of you guys, it just seemed like a good idea, then bam, they were on my door step and I could not pass them up.

I got a sample of the merino and shetland, and they really don't feel too much different, I can tell the difference but it's not that much. It's probably because I did not wash all of the grease out of my cheviot.
Basic Merino types include: strong (broad) wool 23–24.5 microns, medium wool is 19.6–22.9 Microns, fine 18.6–19.5 microns, superfine 15–18.5 microns and ultra fine 11.5–15 Microns.
If the Cheviot is on the lower end of its micron count and the Merino is on the higher end of its micron count then they would be very similar.

I am planning to build a skirting table here soon. Then I will really be able to start going through that Shetland. I'd like to get that done before I get any more.
There is a fiber festival coming up in May that I fully intend to go to. And I'll be posting in craigslist soon in hopes of buying a few different types of fleece to work with.

So if anyone has a fleece or two they want to sell in March, April or May I will likely be interested in buying. Just no Shetland. I have more than enough of that. And will be willing to trade in the spring when I get this years shearing. I would hate to trade what I have now because there is some felting going on in some of it.