Birthing again after having 4wk kit

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2014
Reaction score
Los Lunas, New Mexico
My Annabel gave birth to one kit March 3, 2014. I had no idea there was a kit in the box (very well hiden deep in hay) so I put her back in with my buck (thinking last mating do not take).
She just had one kit today, and in the process of more. What do I do with the other 4 wk old kit? Can she stay with Annabel? Will it be to much stress?
Any advice welcome... and yes, she will have a 5 month breeding break to get back up to par :)
If they are in a standard cage (as opposed to a colony pen) then I would remove the 4-week-old. Some does become hostile to older kits once they are caring for newborns. At four weeks it should be eating solid food just fine. I would give it some kitchen oatmeal and some grass hay in addition to whatever else you are feeding, in order to head off any tendency to weaning enteritis. Assuming that the 4-week-old is healthy, it could be placed with other weaning age youngsters for company, if you have any.
The kit is fat and healthy so I will pull her. I hate to have a kit taken so soon ~ needing the milk for another 4 weeks is important, but I have to think of Annabel. Thank you for the advice!
Very few does allow kits to nurse much beyond four weeks. In a colony, they are often fully weaned by that time. I had a doe once that would nurse them until 7-8 weeks if allowed to, but it really isn't necessary.
I agree that the kit will be just fine on her own, especially if you follow Maggie's advice regarding giving hay and oatmeal. In addition, I would recommend giving the kit a bedded area off of the wire to keep warm since it has no siblings because chilling is thought to be a factor in weaning enteritis.

jeannie":1zrq6ddc said:
and yes, she will have a 5 month breeding break to get back up to par :)

There is no need to give her such a long break from breeding. She should still be in prime condition after raising only one kit, and should do just fine with this litter- and if she isn't/doesn't, you don't want her in your breeding program anyway! ;)

Many of us purposely rebreed does immediately if they have small litters because large singleton (or multiple) kits can be difficult for the doe to birth. Additionally, does that are given many months "break" from breeding often have trouble conceiving again.
I had something similar happen a few years ago. The doe separated the 2 litters to far sides of the hutch and did very well until about 5 weeks when I felt safe taking away the older ones. If there is only 1 kit it could go either way but the older one will be able to cover the smaller ones and block them from nursing if it stays in the same nest.
Thanks everyone!
I have put her (the single kit) in with some other kits (they all know one another from playtime) so warmth should not be a problem.
Currently they are in a 3X10 open pen with burrow underground (the "burrow" is a buried medium tote box with removable lid and a cardboard tube coming up and out for the opening) I put alittle straw on top cover the "people made" burrow, lol. So all you see is the opening. (vents on the lid for air circulation)
I was worried, but your advice made me feel comfortable :) Thank you.

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