Big news!

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Today's the big day!!!


:hobbyhors :turniptruck: :happysun:

Everything's in the back of the cars (ok, not everything, but everything we need right away), and we're waiting on the phone call that the previous owners have left! I've got my painting clothes on, and I'm ready to roll! ;) :mrgreen:
I'm so EXCITED for you!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Have fun!
Slow and steady and drink lots of water!
I know I overdo it when I get excited and sometimes slow down progress because I fly out of the gate at warp speed and then pay for it the next day!!
I've been meaning to update you all more frequently, but I noticed fairly soon into our endeavor (read: massive undertaking that leaves me in a constant state of sleep deprivation and soreness) that I have no way of loading the photos I took with my nice camera onto my laptop. Because that's still in storage, so to speak.
:weep: :wall:

I did snap two quick pictures with my phone, so you guys can see the color we chose for our walls (well, two of the three, anyway).

I'm absolutely in LOVE with that living room... can't wait to finish painting the fireplace and media center a clean white! Oh, and don't mind the yellow tape around the windows... DH was still painting the trim. :oops:

And I'm really excited about this grey... it just looks so clean and crisp with the white ceilings/trim! We're not in love with the carpets in this room, but that will have to wait until there's more room in the budget. :roll:

I'll admit these photos were taken last week, so the living room (sans fireplace and media center) has been finished painting, and we've made good progress in the bedrooms as well (a very pretty light blue... photos coming this week, hopefully). We also got help from my parents moving our furniture up to the house, although most of it we are currently storing in the barn. But I finally have my couch again! :up:

I've also been checking in on RT at the office, since we didn't have internet at the house until this past Sunday evening (we wouldn't have even had it that early if DH didn't need to do some work from home). I've been getting up before dawn and going to sleep past midnight most days, between going to work and painting/cleaning/fixing things at the house. :sleep:

I can't wait to show you all the finished paint... maybe by next week? And I've gotta remember to take some pictures of the barn when I get home... if it's not too dark.

Hope you're all doing great! :group-hug2:
It's great to hear your news, Nymphadora. I'm glad things are rolling along well. The sleep loss and aches and pains are pretty much inevitable, but the benefits will last much longer. :)

Hang in there, and post when you can. We're looking forward to your updates.
Fireplace huh? When you get the house done you can go cut a couple cords of wood! :p That will show you where the aches and pains really are.

Glad it's going well for you guys!
Homer":1v2jfxzk said:
Fireplace huh? When you get the house done you can go cut a couple cords of wood! :p That will show you where the aches and pains really are.

Glad it's going well for you guys!
If only we knew that the fireplace was wood-burning! The previous owners used gas only, but it looks like it might've once been wood-burning. So we're having someone more knowledgeable come take a peek before winter (although even then, in Southern California it doesn't really get cold but 1 or 2 weeks a year).

I suppose I'll have to collect my aches and pains in other ways in the mean-time. ;)

That said, I am terribly out of shape so the last two weeks have been great at getting me used to more active work. :oops: My back and limbs are slowly getting acclimated, the only thing still really hurting after a long day are my feet (sorry if too much info)! It wasn't so bad in the carpeted rooms, but standing and moving around on tile floors all day long is making my ankles swell. Super attractive, per DH. :mrgreen: :lol:

__________ Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:49 am __________

Okie Dokie!

Well, there's been progress! While taking out the trash yesterday evening, it struck me that there was still a bit of light out... enough for a few quick photos, even! So I grabbed my phone (camera's still in storage :cry:) and snapped a few shots of the potential sites for my rabbitry. If anyone wants to chip in with advice, concerns, etc., please do. I'm putting these up so folks with more rabbit know-how can point out any potential issues if they see them. At the very least I'd like to be prepared, right? :oops:
(Please keep in mind that for now I will only be doing 6 holes (2 stacks of 3) and DH plans to build an additional "roof" to shelter the bunnies from overhead sun in any outdoor areas).

So, option #1:
This was my first thought of where to keep the rabbitry, since it's nicely protected from the wind and it's shady (in the back corner there) for most of the day. There's also two separate gates enclosing the space (one leading to the patio, the other to the kitchen door more or less) so any human or large animal should find it at least somewhat difficult to get in. I liked the idea that the rabbitry could be relatively self-contained and I could potentially bunny-proof the gates so the rabbits could run around outside if I wanted (individually and under constant supervision of course). Concerns: pee-proofing the concrete (?), and those pink flowers attract a LOT of bees... not too sure if it would freak the rabbits out or if the bees would ignore them. [sidenote: the insane bee population is super encouraging, since we'd like to eventually have our own hive].

Option # 2:
This space is basically right outside my craft room and our master bedroom. The door back there leads to the garage (which can go right into my craft room). I like the privacy fencing, and we're planning on adding some raised garden beds in this area as well. Please don't mind the mess, we're just storing some of the larger materials in this side yard for now. :oops: This side of the house is also mostly shady throughout the day. Concerns: again, pee-proofing the house, and only 1 gate to keep out unwelcome guests (from the street).

And option #3:
This is our barn/workshop I've been telling you guys about! Rabbits would probably fit best at the end after the two insulated rooms. I can roll up both of the big doors to get a nice breeze in the barn and to let in plenty of light. Food storage would obviously be most convenient here, but I don't mind walking a little so it's not really a huge deal. Concerns: loud noises will for sure be happening here (although I understand the rabbits should get used to this with time), and I would like the rabbits to get more natural daylight (day/night cycles). The barn doors would only be open if DH or myself were home.

Bonus round of photos:
These are the pipe stalls we have at the back of the property. They're still very close, but that pink flowery vine and a retaining wall basically separate them from our back patio. I'm imaging a chicken coop (gonna have to be creative in predator proofing... maybe enclosed coop + run and then let them "free-range" supervised?), and some kind of larger livestock. I'm still between goats or alpacas. :grin:

And this is the back patio I just mentioned! There's gonna be some big-time grill action going on out here when we have the money to buy a grill!

As of yesterday, we finally have curtains for the windows facing the driveway. So hurray for that!

Alright, that’s it for now… let me know what you all think! The bunnies are coming in a few weeks and I gotta get ready! :D

__________ Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:50 am __________

Argh... somebody have an idea how I can get around the stupid 3rd party hosting issue with Photobucket? :evil: I'll get all the photos fixed so you can all see it, I just gotta figure out how to attach them now.

Ok, photos are smaller now, but at least they're there. :roll:
Imgur works and store/displays images indefinitely. You don't even have to have an account to upload photos!

In the mean time, you can right click > open image in new tab to see photos on photobucket.

It looks really nice! As for where to put the rabbits, I'm not too sure whether I have any advice, but I do like the barn idea the best, just for the fact that outdoor rabbits have never worked well for me, but I may just be projecting. :lol:
MeadowView":qbnofrxo said:
As for where to put the rabbits, I'm not too sure whether I have any advice, but I do like the barn idea the best, just for the fact that outdoor rabbits have never worked well for me, but I may just be projecting. :lol:
Any advice is helpful in my book... I'll just know to take yours with a bit of salt! :dinner:
You may want to consider having the concrete sealed if it's not already. Concrete is rather porous and the pee will soak in. The house and shop look great though! Congratulations!
Just a thought about option 2- if there are windows to your bedroom there, you might want to think about summer smells. I would probably go with option three, especially if I could slowly ease into the heavy noises.

Beautiful place you have. Congrats!
Marinea":s3gq53dg said:
Just a thought about option 2- if there are windows to your bedroom there, you might want to think about summer smells.
The window is actually to the craft room, but it's a good point to make... especially since 3/4 of the year feels like summer around here. :oops:

Marinea":s3gq53dg said:
I would probably go with option three, especially if I could slowly ease into the heavy noises.
Other than a few big projects initially (building the workshop up, to begin with) I don't anticipate us creating a constant ruckus in that barn... :lol: <br /><br /> __________ Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:31 am __________ <br /><br /> Woohoo! More good news!

We finished painting the hallways/kitchen/dining area this weekend with a little help from my family, and got all those painting tarps off the floor! It finally feels less like a construction zone in our home. :D


DH changed (almost) all the switches and outlets in the house so they look bright white rather than beige, and we did a little tinkering in the barn (more on that later).

And Saturday, lo and behold, I woke up to the most beautiful sound...
DH: "You know, I think we'll be ready to have rabbits here by next week."
:p :in_love: :happy2:

WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! It's finally happening guys, I can't even tell you how exciting it is to have a date (of course, my friends may not have the rabbits ready for another 2 weeks, but hey, I can get the cages and feed and supplies ready). DH also conceded that it may be best to have the rabbits in the steel barn, at least for now. So I've gotta clear the stack of 2x4's out of the way this week, since they've been stored at the far end of the barn where the rabbits will soon be living. :D

And I've gotta come up with a name for our little operation! (Naming things gives me anxiety, so I've been putting this off because I'm just awful at coming up with ideas). I'd like something I can use for our whole urban homestead, so I don't want to pigeon-hole myself by referring to rabbits or the breed I'm focusing on... and that's why it's taking me forever. :roll:

So, that's the update from this weekend... more progress, and finally getting to a place where we are comfortable with how the house looks on the inside. I hated the beige tones that were in here before, and I'm loving the grey, blue, and green with white trim. I'll be doing some thorough cleaning after work all this week, because we've been walking across the tiles with our shoes on more often than not (once the house is properly clean, there'll be no more of that). We're getting so close now!

Oh, I promised to tell more of the tinkering, too... well, we whipped this up last night:

Anyone have a guess as to what it may be? (We finished it later in the evening, and I have a photo, I just want to see if anyone will guess). :D
Yes! We've already added some "browns", and I'll start adding "greens" from kitchen scraps this week. By springtime we should be ready with some nice rich dirt to give the plants. :D

Here's what it looked like when we finished it last night:

I've set it up next to the barn close to the kitchen door. I'm all for efficiency! :p
Alright, we've got the next project to be unveiled from the Home Renovation series. ;)

We built a table this weekend in anticipation of Thanksgiving! The dining room table we had was just a bit small to accommodate our entire family, in-laws and all. There were a few wrenches thrown in the plan that we hadn’t really been expecting (like DH’s SUV breaking down… badly), but we made it through the project and the weekend without too much trouble, otherwise.

So, what do you need to build a table? Well, preferably a truck or large vehicle to transport the lumber home. But, as I mentioned, DH’s broke down last week. The whole engine gave up. (We are now looking for a truck to replace the SUV, since we had that in mind already… just not for another 6 months or so). In case of large-vehicle-loss, make do with a little determination and creativity. My little car became our hauling vehicle, with the wood strapped down over the roof with some towels to prevent scratching the crap out of my car. We realized after we strapped everything down that we had… umm… racheted the doors shut? Well, we couldn’t open them anymore, in any case, so we climbed through the front windows to get back into the car. The guys in the lot must have laughed their butts off when we left. :lol: :oops:

The top of the table came together easier than expected with the help of a Kreg Jig and some wood glue… please keep in mind we have very limited furniture-building experience, and our methods would probably make most reputable wood-workers cringe. But we also can't afford to buy a ton of new tools right now (like a biscuit-joiner), especially since we have to buy a new car. Then again, this table cost us (once the wood, stain, and finish are added together) just under $250 for a table that will easily seat 10-12 and is sturdy as a bull. If it doesn’t last 20 years, I think I’ll be alright.

The base is out of 4x4’s which gives us the benefit of looking nice and solid and feeling… well, solid. Honestly, I think I could load this table up with two Thanksgiving dinners and it wouldn’t break a sweat (if tables could sweat?). It’s nice knowing that when we have kids they won’t be able to tip this thing if they tried, though. Found that out the hard way when I darn-near broke my fingers under it trying to set it on its side (fully assembled) and pinched my fingers underneath. :x

So, here is the (almost) finished product, missing a few more coats of polyurethane but stained and looking good:

Hope this was a fun update on what we’ve been up to! :)