Big belly?

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I'm so so sorry to hear this! It must be terrible! Don't feel bad about the pain. I understand it. I thankfully haven't had to lose one of my dearest rabbits but I think if I did I would feel the same way.

Hugs to you during this hard time. :group-hug2:
Just remember the good times you had with her, and know you did your very best for her. I am sure that she was a very happy and loved rabbit.
Lots of us get torn up over our bunnies. Time will help and you can love other bunnies, but take all the time you need to heal......she was a cute little thing, and you cared so much for her!
I am so sorry :cry: I was following the thread, but didn't have any advice to add (safely, anyway... it would just be throwing ideas out, nothing I had personally tried or anything). It was really neat to watch the videos - and I think it's great you have them (although they will be tough to watch initially, I am sure). Everyone mourns and grieves in different ways so take your time. You put a lot of time and energy into an absolutely adorable little bunny, it's understandable to get attached.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. We miss her sooooo much.. even tho we have our dogs, cats & 2 inside bunnies in here, it feels empty. We still cry in and out.. we still say we want her back but we also know something wasnt right with her. And we do watch our videos and look at our pics of her all the time.

Her ashes will be in sometime next week.. i plan on having a cubic zirconia made from my pets ashes in the near future and her ashes will definitely be included in it.