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Jan 1, 2012
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Near ottawa ontario
not sure where to put this...

who here follows that exact recipe from betty chu for the angora rabbits... I just bought the 14 percent horse feed.. Looks awesome and smell great.. I will mix it tonight for them ... I was wondering about the rest of it..does the rabbits really like it.

one part milo, and oats ect

•4 parts of l7% - l8% protein rabbit pellets,
•l part of Calf-Manna + barley + milo + wheat + sunflower seed with shell,
•l part of whole oats,
•l part of 14% textured horse feed or sweet feed if your can find good fresh supply, otherwise skip.
Nope, wish I could. Can't get any of those things except BOSS and Whole Oat. The milo and stuff in the wild seed mix was a big hit! If it wasn't so pricey, I'd feed to to everyone.
ok,. thanks sky.. I didn't get the bird seed yet.. But I will on the weekend.. or next week.. I am not to sure on the other stuff as I am afraid of them scratching through it. THEN I would have a big waste.... I can get barley and wheat.. I am not sure on calf mamma.. I don't even know what that is
I don't use it cause it's corn based. People have great succes with it.

As far as scratching, you might have to offer two bowls. Buns here will not eat horse pellets, they would leave them in the bottom of the feeders.