So I built a "Bunny Coop" and I love it. Not too much that I would have done differently.
Mostly I was wondering if anybody had a better idea for watering. I have 6 bunnies living in this coop, soon to be 5, as I don't wish to keep the boy, becaues I don't want to spend the money to neuter him, and I dont' want a single lone rabbit. He lives with 4 females & a neutered male.
They drink from TWO, one gallon chicken waterers. We all know that bunnies drink a LOT! I was wondering what otheres did. I saw (somewhere) they had a bucket full of water, and it gravity fed some nipple spouts. I don't mind if it's a bowl at the bottom, or if it is a lick spout. Those two waterers that I am using just take up a lot of their "inside" space. Is it hard to set up a lick spout in a bucket, or a bucket with a tube, then a lick spout....?
Mostly I was wondering if anybody had a better idea for watering. I have 6 bunnies living in this coop, soon to be 5, as I don't wish to keep the boy, becaues I don't want to spend the money to neuter him, and I dont' want a single lone rabbit. He lives with 4 females & a neutered male.
They drink from TWO, one gallon chicken waterers. We all know that bunnies drink a LOT! I was wondering what otheres did. I saw (somewhere) they had a bucket full of water, and it gravity fed some nipple spouts. I don't mind if it's a bowl at the bottom, or if it is a lick spout. Those two waterers that I am using just take up a lot of their "inside" space. Is it hard to set up a lick spout in a bucket, or a bucket with a tube, then a lick spout....?