Better watering Ideas?

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Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
NW Washington
So I built a "Bunny Coop" and I love it. Not too much that I would have done differently.

Mostly I was wondering if anybody had a better idea for watering. I have 6 bunnies living in this coop, soon to be 5, as I don't wish to keep the boy, becaues I don't want to spend the money to neuter him, and I dont' want a single lone rabbit. He lives with 4 females & a neutered male.


They drink from TWO, one gallon chicken waterers. We all know that bunnies drink a LOT! I was wondering what otheres did. I saw (somewhere) they had a bucket full of water, and it gravity fed some nipple spouts. I don't mind if it's a bowl at the bottom, or if it is a lick spout. Those two waterers that I am using just take up a lot of their "inside" space. Is it hard to set up a lick spout in a bucket, or a bucket with a tube, then a lick spout....?
I know this is old, but w/e.
Winter is coming, so if you change to gravity fed water, you will have freezing issues, best not to use these in winter.
That's the only reason I haven't switched to cup waterers for my chickens. In spring I will, but once winter comes again, back to the old gallon white and reds.
They aren't too hard to make if you are handy. Just need to find the right parts, ask the hardware guy to help find the right fittings and glues to use.