"Best" Breed Debate

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Well-known member
May 15, 2012
Reaction score
So, first post in a LONG while. I've still been lurking, but my breeding more or less was put on hold for a few years there. I'm now back at it with some nice stock of Sable Rex. My all time favorite breed for sure. Now, they definatley will be my focus as I breed for 1: Meat, 2: Fur, & 3: Show. BUT, I am really leaning towards having a small herd of another breed just to fiddle with something fun. But how on earth do I choose!? I am so in love with different breeds. I figured I'd ask everybody here to give a little debate.

Post your favorite breed(s), a favorite photo of them if you have one, and all of the pros and cons you can give me. I thought this might be fun and informative for a lot of the new breeders as well so they can see a large amount of opinions on certain breeds.

The breeds I'm considering to add: Mini Satins, English Lops, Velveteen Lops, Belgian Hares, Champagne D' Argents or Lionheads but I'm keeping an open mind.
I breed Belgian hares.
I don't have a lot of experience with any other breed, but from what I understand they are quite demanding, in terms of space, breeding difficulty, and training.
My animals are raised in the standard cage design for the US: 2'x4' floorspace on a completely solid floor with wood shavings. I would not try wire even with resting spaces, their tendency for sore feet is due to a different weight distribution so it is best to do solid floors. So you must potentially add in more maintenance time. The cage height must also be minimum 2' as well, which takes up more vertical space. The young rabbits are very active, but by senior age they are fine to run around for a few minutes and then settle- my other breed, tans, are much more active than the hares.
Though my lines do not have this issue, many report fertility issues and will spend up to 4 years breeding before they get one litter out of them. People also report litters of 1-3 kits from certain lines as well, again has not really been an issue for me.
That said I do love them, they are quite intelligent little rabbits. If you want them to do well on the table also consider that each animal will need a few hours a week for several weeks to be trained to pose properly. I feel like the posing should be an important aspect but from what I've heard in the US (I am alone in Canada with my guys..) breeders are tending to just let them freely move on the table more often these days instead of the classic pose...
If you do try connecting with other breeders online, you'll mostly end up talking to people in the UK who have a different set of problems with this breed..
All things considered they are probably the worst breed to raise, but I would not have another...

jr doe

doe kit

sr buck on my double bed for size

sr buck

sr doe- ticking comes in on adult coat



oh.. sorry you said one photo :oops:
Love! They are gorgeous. I have always considered having just one pair of Belgians, or even one just as an inside pet. My 10yo House rabbit was killed by dogs last fall and I would love t have another companion inside. How are their temperments? I know they seem to be a bit more flighty but can they be docile as well with lots of handling?
I think when breeders refer to them as high strung, this is mostly in a breeding situation, where maybe you don't handle your rabbits for more than a few minutes daily, they can be flighty. Maybe they are not as trusting of people at first. But when handled they are great pets, extremely bold and will really own the place. Most pet owners will describe their Belgians as the most fearless pet rabbit they've ever known. They are quite acrobatic and many can jump a 4 foot barrier easily. Mine have literally climbed over fences as well. Despite their looks they are not delicate either. :p
