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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
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Eastern Canada
Not sure if this is in the right place... sorry if it's not.

One of my bunnies had a case of fur mites a week or so ago. I put oil on the area and her fur is growing back in nicely, but I'm wanting to treat the herd with Ivermectin just in case. One of my rabbits had an allergic reaction to Ivermectin before, and I want to try preventing that by giving everyone a dose of Benadryl along with it. I can't find any information on how much to give them... any ideas? My vet told me about a year ago but I don't recall.
There's an antibiotic that my mom had to take for something, but she was allergic to the antibiotic. They gave her IV Benadryl to counteract the allergic reaction. Pretty scary, but it worked.

If you'd like an alternative just for that bunny, you might get a little DE to use instead, and do ivermectin for everybunny else.
Thanks guys!

MissM, I'm actually wanting to give Benadryl to all the bunnies just in case. I haven't used it since a few of my bunnies had a bad reaction (it has been a few years).

Going to check out the link and will treat the herd tomorrow. If anyone can let me know if that dosage sounds correct, just to be sure, that would be great! Not sure if it's risky to overdose a bit or not, I just want to be safe.
I have only had a couple of cases of fur mites, but the problem was solved by just a single application of food grade Diatomaceous Earth. I just put about a 1/2 teaspoon in the palm of my hand and stroked them from forehead to tail, rubbing more of the "dose" in around the neck and shoulder area.

It works great, and there are no dangerous side effects. :)

Cas in point; about a month or two ago, the kids called me while I was in town. They were in a panic and completely disgusted because our dog Levi was covered in hundreds of freshly hatched ticks. :x They wanted to know what to do, so I went into detailed instructions on bathing him.

Well... they were just about to have dinner and didn't want the hassle, plus nobody wanted to touch him, let alone take him into the house to bathe him. :roll:

So instead, they sprinkled a bunch of DE on him (he was mightily affronted!) and within just a few minutes the ticks stopped moving. When I got home several hours later, there was not a tick to be found on him. :p

The other dogs never got ticks either, so it obviously killed the little buggers. :D
Where would I be able to purchase DE? I have heard of this many times but I haven't seen it before.

I don't usually dose my rabbits with anything, so not too familiar with measurements... would .1 cc be 1/10 of a cc?
siddsaysgimmie":3b1d9hwr said:
Where would I be able to purchase DE? I have heard of this many times but I haven't seen it before.
You can get food grade diatomaceous earth at just about any feed store.
siddsaysgimmie":3b1d9hwr said:
I don't usually dose my rabbits with anything, so not too familiar with measurements... would .1 cc be 1/10 of a cc?
Yes it is.
Thank you so much! I'll be treating them tonight.

Do you know what section of the store it would be in? I have checked the medication aisle and I didn't see it... though I will try again. Not sure if they would carry it in my area.
siddsaysgimmie":2vovx417 said:
Do you know what section of the store it would be in? I have checked the medication aisle and I didn't see it... though I will try again. Not sure if they would carry it in my area.
First time I looked for it I couldn't find it either. It was in the "horse products" part of the store. They use it around here to get rid of internal parasites.