bedding issues?.....

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Dec 16, 2012
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I've had my new little bun a week now and there seems to bed some bedding issues
I have 3 boxes one down on the lower level and 2 up top
Ideally i want the bottom and one up top to be used as a litter tray
and one up top as a bed (see below Pics)

where in summer at the moment and I've noticed she has been using the top 2 for litter
(needing cleaning daily) and the bottom as a bed (not much mess if any in there
so far only cleaned it once or twice)
on the mild night that doesn't worry me but last night was quite cool (11 degrees Celsius (51.8 degrees Fahrenheit)
so worried it maybe to cold down the bottom (slightly open to the weather)
I noticed this morning she has used the bottom as a tray... so that's good progress
but how do i get her to stop using one of the top ones as a litter try and for a warm bed when its cold?
can I clean the one I want as a bed and get rid of smells and hope that works
or could I use old towels as bedding?

when she is inside (when too hot) I have noticed she just sleeps/lies on the floor on her cage
and uses the tray/box to wee ect maybe take out the 2nd box and make a bed of old towels?

any ideas would be great


would like her to use the front one as a litter tray (she did wee in that spot yesterday while i was cleaning it out....)
and the one behind as a bed.

Tray on lower level
She's only been there a week so she's really just getting settled. She's finding her spaces in the the hutch that she feels comfortable in. I'd take out the two beds up top so that she will figure out that the bottom one is her litter box. I use old towels for bedding as well. But watch to make sure she doesn't chew the towel. Some of my rabbits get old towels and some don't because they chew the fabric which is not good if swallowed.

Oh.My.Goodness. She is ADORABLE!!!! :p

Like Karen said ... she has only been there a bit, so you two are still working out your relationship :cheesysmile: I would suggest that you provide some wire resting area ... whether it is a floor or an elevated shelf so that she can get air movement top and bottom during the heat.

Did I mention HOW CUTE she is!!!

FYI - heat is much more dangerous to rabbits than cold, so providing plenty of opportunity for air movement in the hutch is absolutely necessary. They do much better in the cold ... we were at 11F this morning and had 23F yesterday with snow and the buns were bouncing around in the snow and rattling and tossing their water dishes this morning waiting for me to come out and give them fresh water :p

As for peeing, I find that my buns pick a spot and that is their regular potty spot. The poops will end up all over, but they also generally poop the most in the potty corner.