Bad, bad day!!! Update! Good news!

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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In the middle of the night we heard coyotes outside our fence line. The goats are expecting, so Hubs went out with the shotgun to chase them off.

It has been pleasant at night, so the pups were outside with the other dogs. They were all present and accounted for.

When I got up this morning, ALL of our dogs were gone, with the exception of the Pyrenese who is chained up.

I have been driving all over looking for them, and on one of my stops back home, found that Switch and Neo had returned. But Levi, Basil, and our two baby pups Hermione and Sherlock are still missing. :cry:

The kids are now out on horseback- they went on a long trail ride with the four adult dogs yesterday, so they are going to search the trails they took.

I'm going back out again... but wanted to ask for your prayers or good thoughts or vibes or whatever your method is of asking for or giving help to those in need.

I am so worried about my little pupples- the big dogs can take care of themselves, and I expect them back. But the pups... not so much. :(
:( I sure hope you find them. I have had experience with coyotes and greyhounds,and going out at night with a gun and shooting in the air. I did lose a half ground female. It was weird. My dad and I took 2 pups out in the wheat field and they were chasing each other and then just disappeared. The wheat was tall and I could not see them, so I thought they went out the other end, so went back to the house to get in the truck and the male showed up. Ran to my dad, tail between legs and sitting between my dad's knees. We looked and looked for the female and she was just gone. No idea what happened. Hopefully, your dogs are just exploring.
Oh, no! Praying here, MSD! I've heard that a donkey is good for keeping coyotes away.
Oh no!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Levi, Basil the puppies. I pray they are found soon and safe!!!
Sending you all the prayers, vibes, and positive energy that you find your pups safe and sound!
I pray for the best possible ending, they all come home unharmed....Good luck, keep us posted!
Thank you guys! Your wishes and prayers worked!!!!!!!!!

We all had walkie-talkies, and Hubs reported that Levi, Basil, and Hermione were back. Sherlock was missing still. But moments later, the kids reported that they found him by the creek. The other dogs had left him behind! :evil:

They aren't back yet... but are on the way.

I was sure the puppies were dead. :(

What a relief. This is truly a miracle. It is absolutely unbelievable that they didn't get eaten.

One thing is certain- those pups will be crated at night from this point forward.
MamaSheepdog":2f8hogzu said:
Thank you guys! Your wishes and prayers worked!!!!!!!!!

We all had walkie-talkies, and Hubs reported that Levi, Basil, and Hermione were back. Sherlock was missing still. But moments later, the kids reported that they found him by the creek. The other dogs had left him behind! :evil:

They aren't back yet... but are on the way.

I was sure the puppies were dead. :(

What a relief. This is truly a miracle. It is absolutely unbelievable that they didn't get eaten.

One thing is certain- those pups will be crated at night from this point forward.

Thank the Lord! So glad they are home safe and sound!
Sherlock is whining incessantly, telling me about the horrors of being left behind. He is covered in sap, and Hermione is covered in mud, so they will be getting baths to add insult to injury. :twisted:

It is Hub's birthday today, and this was not the way we planned on spending our morning- but I am so grateful that we have all of our dogs back safely. :)
:mbounce: Thank God! That is awesome!! I'm so happy for you and :happybday2u: for your hubs
I was tearing up reading the first post. Now I am doing a happy dance (not a sight anyone wants to see)!!

So glad this turned out well!!

~Marinea, in a place with coyotes popping up~
I am so happy it turned out the way it did. I have been building new cages all day and just came in.
Great news.