Back, but bunnyless.

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
Hello again everyone!

It has been sometime since I have logged into RabbitTalk let alone made a post. I wanted to return, and give updates on all that has been going on since I left.


Like the title says I am back, but no longer have any rabbits. Every was hopping along like normal until we had a really hard unseen cold snap through the night which sadly took some of my buns with it. After it warmed up a bit we moved the remaining rabbits outside to their hutch for some fun in the sun. I came home from work one night to see a pack of dogs going crazy at the hutch. Non got in, but it shocked all, but one of my babies to the point that they did not last the night.

I was extremely heart broken by this. The last girl was never a breeder, but more an indoor/outdoor pet. She was given to me by a preschool teacher in my home town that had her as the class pet, and while she loved her it was very hard for her to drive an hour, and half each weekend to tend to the bunny at the school so we gladly took her in.

Shortly after losing the rabbits I found out that I was pregnant! I worked through all, but the last month of my pregnancy, as the doctors told me there were no health issues with the baby they were thinking that at this point (37 weeks.) She would do more growing outside than she was doing while I was pregnant. We scheduled the C-Section for June 18th 2017. Which was only 4 days away. I had, had an emergency C-Section with my first daughter as she her heart rate was dropping from having the cord around her neck. So I was put under for the surgery. This time I decided that I wanted to be awake so my husband could be with us, and we could watch her come into the world! I can not tell you how excited I was to be able to watch her come out, but also terrified, because well... Watching someone cut into your own body, and seeing your insides is not the greatest sight, but once she was here it was one of the best feelings in the world! Phoebe Lily Ann was born on fathers days at 9:43am. Weighting just a tiny 4.6lbs. (I was 4.11lbs at birth,) but she was in perfect health non the less! I was up, and walking 6 hours after surgery, and was even able to go home the next morning despite them thinking I would need 3 days to recover.

Just before Phoebe was born I had ordered a Monticello Greenhouse kit that I had, had my eye on for the last 3 years. It finally went on sale for half price! ($5,000, great sale!) [insert sarcasm here, haha.] So here we are with Phoebe only days old, me still very sore from surgery putting together this huge greenhouse! Lol.

I returned to work about month after she was born, and worked for about 4 more months, but decided to leave due to my boss having 0 understanding that I could not work certain nights, and had NO way of working day shifts. (Honestly still miss work, lol.)


After that everything settled into the norm. I was home all the time taking care of the house, both kids, 2 cats, and the 1 bunny. Still though, I was really stuck on wanting my kids to grow up with a puppy. For the longest time my husband refused to have another animal in the house. So every so often I would bring up little hints, or share posts on Facebook of people getting surprised with a puppy. After a while my husband came to me, and said you're right. I too would like to have the kids grow up with a dog. We did some talking, and thinking, and decided that we would like to get a Doberman. They are beautiful dogs, both sweet, and very smart. I also wanted a dog that "looked" intimidating. After finding a group of men, then a pack of dogs hanging out in my backyard in the dark I wanted to make the statement, "stay off my property!" Loud, and very clear.

After looking around we found a woman who had some Doberman puppies who lived 3 hours from us. She was not a breeder, but had two Dobermans herself, and decided to breed them. I was over the moon for this little Blue Dobe she had. We finally drove up there, and picked him up. He was pretty shy, but all around very sweet. He name is now Lucifer! Lol! After getting him I wanted to learn more about Dobermans, and the best ways to train, and raise them. So I found a site similar to RabbitTalk, and joined. A few posts into being a member of the site I started reading others posts, and also started to notice that there was a pattern of angry members, rude, and demeaning replies.

Shortly I posted about how we got Luc, what he was like, etc. At first a few people were quite nice, but then came those rude posters. Telling me I am horrid person, my dog is a sham, and an outright disgrace to the breed altogether, and that I should be ashamed to own him. :evil: Then they jumped into, oh his mother was an Albino, do you know what that even means?! I would try to inform them that I do in fact know what it means, I understand how genetics work, and how it effects animals. I am not clueless to how things work. (I think you guys here on RT have taught me enough that I would AT LEAST understand the basics of genetic play.) Needless to say any post I made was quickly shot down by angry people. Making me actually feel like a horrid person.

That is when I realized that with all my "short" time here on RT, no matter what question I asked, mistake I made, or advice that I needed, NO ONE here EVER made me feel shameful, or stupid. Yes I know a dog, and a rabbit are two totally different things, but in the end I do not regret getting Luc, I do not think he is useless, because he is not perfect, or that I did not pay thousands of dollars for him. He is a dog, a dog that I wanted to be a part of my family not a high dollar pet.

I think when it comes to advice about Luc I am just going to come here, you guys have never steered me wrong in the past, and honestly this place just feels like home. I want to get back into rabbits, but it will be something way in the future. I actually passed yet another hint to my husband that when Luc gets older I would like to have just at least 2-3 breeding rabbits to produce meat for the dog. (wink wink) We'll wait for that hint to settle in, lol.
Glad you're back, Becca. :)

You have been having an interesting time of it, haven't you? Hope that your family and your new canine member have a smoother run from here on.

Some forums do seem to attract nasty, critical, mean-spirited people, unfortunately. You're better off here, I think, since so many rabbit people are also knowledgeable dog owners. And don't worry about not having rabbits at present. (Neither do I, for that matter.) You have an interest in rabbits and that's what counts.

All of us have multiple interests besides rabbits, and we are all the richer for what we share of them. Rabbits are the main topic, but I think the diversity of interests and topics adds something special to the forum.
I'm hopping on (haha :bunnyhop: ) after a sabbatical during our move and lots of travel back and forth. Sounds like you have been busy yourself!! Congrats on the new little one - best quote I have ever read is that parenting consists of long days and short years. How true it is! And pooh on those grouchy people on the other forum. People hide behind their anonymity on the internet and it's just sad how they treat other people because there is a screen in front of them. We are without rabbits at the moment as well, and likely will be for a few years, but I still have an itch for an angora so we'll see :mrgreen: . My computer is actually functioning tonight so I figured I would cruise around a little since I am caught up on my need-to-dos for the night.
Welcome back HansenHomestead.
So sorry You ran into not so nice people on that forum. That seems to happen a lot in some forums. Admins and Moderators can really help set the tone of a site. We are so fortunate here at Rabbit Talk to have super admins and moderators !!
Best wishes with Your pup. Dobes are a very smart breed... most are very loyal to their family.

Sheesh... i forgot to add the most Important part....

Congratulations on Your new baby !!!!!
My warmest congratulations on the additions to your family, human as well as canine.
I'm so glad to finally get the whole story of the last six months or so!! One can only learn so much from FB and with a new baby and youngsters and puppies, life is CRAZY!!! I"m awfully glad things are going well and I think every family should have a dog! I had to put ours to sleep in September, but I'm already been in contact with a breeder in PA for another Cocker.

Cinderella's kits are three weeks old now and cute and floofy!! Rose and Mossy should kindle around Xmas eve, so there will be more bunnies for spring.

Luv you much and give Jesse, August, and little Phoebe a hug from me!!!

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