Baby has a sore, growing each day

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Yeah, it's always VERY hard for me to decide to end a young rabbits life. In this case the kit was only 10 days old.

On the rabbit with the frog belly that wasn't digesting? I was GOING to cull it a couple days ago. I decided ON A WHIM to try crushing up a papaya enzyme tablet and shoving that into it's mouth. Just in case, last ditch effort, if the belly wasn't down by the next morning I was going to cull.

Belly went down by next morning... Now the baby is doing fine!

This black one was in the nest box with the frog belly one and two others that have had no health issues. Sooooo, could frog belly and sores be related? I have no idea. So far everyone (including momma) is looking really good.
I know it's a hard choice, but I was thinking to myself that I would cull it if no apparent answer cropped up quickly, especially if the scabs were spreading. That's not the kind of thing I would want spreading to the rest of my rabbits or to us. (Hypothetical rabbits, I don't have any yet.) I'm sorry you had to do it, but I think you made the kinder choice.
I would have culled too, once I saw the opened sore. Looks systemic. I would take them to be infected cysts of some kind and, if there are lots of them, not good for fur or meat that way, so cull.

I can think of a few things that would be, all of them cause recurring cysts like that and, all can become cancers, two are carried by rats, the others genetic so, I'd lean toward the rats in this case since others in the litter are not showing any cysts. Perhaps that one just had a slightly weaker immune system and, got it form the rats while the others have a stronger immune system and are fine.