Baby buns head wound

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Active member
Sep 23, 2014
Reaction score
Pine City,mn
I'm not sure what this is? It's a open spot on my bunnies head, not bleeding,looks as if it's healing. But what is it? Size of a penny?


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I think his ear got cleaned off, like Homer said.

If you have some Blu-Kote, I'd spray a dot on his head. Just put him over something you don't mind having dyed purple. Let him dry, put him back in with the others. He may heal up fine, and just be a one-eared bunny.
I wouldn't, for a couple of reasons: It will stick to everything and get all over the other bunnies, and glue stuff like hay and fur to that baby's head, and the mother may groom it off. Blu-Kote, at least, would be difficult for her to really groom off, and once it's dry, it won't attract dirt like ointment would. You may find purple spots on the other babies for a little while, but I think Blu-Kote would be a better option in this case.

If it was a wound you could cover, you probably could use triple antibiotic. You can't cover that wound, if only because the doe will work to remove the bandage, possibly further wounding the kit. <br /><br /> -- Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:40 pm -- <br /><br /> If you can't do anything else right now, then flushing or swabbing the wound with Betadyne a couple of times a day will at least help keep it somewhat clean. :)
You're welcome! :)

If Fleet Farm has feed, there's a decent chance they'll have basic livestock first aid like Blu-Kote. If you see "Wound-Kote Blue Lotion" spray, that's very similar. I use that myself. Both are under $10, I believe.
I did the betadyne, I could tell a huge change in a few hours, she still has a nub where her ears suppose to be......I think she ll be fine in the rabbitry. Thank you!!!!
You're welcome! :) I'm glad it's looking good!

Normally, if this were an older rabbit alone in a cage, with a chunk of skin missing, I'd have advised using Nu-Stock on it, to help keep it moist as well as clean. That would help the skin grow back better. But with a nestbox popple, you have to think about it being in the furry nest, the other babies, mom grooming, all that. :roll: Complicates things a little.

I hope she heals up well for you! Keep us posted! :)

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