Babies on the wire!

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Well-known member
May 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sunny, FL
Hi All,

Quick post cuz I'm supposed to be working... I keep finding babies out of the nest box (born on 5/29). I always put them back but this am one was on the floor :( (about a 2.5 ft fall to cement). I can't figure out why they don't stay in the box? Should I make a bigger box? Their eyes are not open yet but they are super responsive to my voice & get all jumpy when I come out. I noticed mom spent a long time sniffing the fallen baby after I had spent some time holding it to see if it was okay. Do you think she was just concerned?

Yes, she was just concerned, and they're probably being dragged out after she feeds...the kit holds onto a teat, mama leaves, pulling kit with her.

Is your nestbox a 4 sided thing? Does the doe have to jump in and out of it? Usually that will keep the kits inside.

Another question, are the kits looking fed? She might not be staying in long enough and that's why they're hanging on.
Yep, like Ann said, the mama was just making sure the kit was alright after you held it. :) Pearl used to jump into the nestbox every time I gave it back to her just to check them out and make sure we hadn't done something evil to them.

It does sound like maybe the sides of the nestbox aren't high enough. If she has to jump out rather than step out, that is good, or if she goes in and out through a hole, the hole should be high and just a little bigger around than she is. Still-attached kits get scraped off as she leaves.

Pearl's first nestbox was a deep cardboard box, so there was no way a kit was hanging on through that jump.
Okay thanks- you guys are right. I am using a plastic shoe box. I read that should be okay but I guess it is too shallow. I have some wire & had planned on making a wire nest box (cuz of the FL heat). Any ideas on how big I should make the nest box? My rabbits are FL Whites (5# mature weight- not too big) One reason I haven't made a box yet is because I'm not sure what to do with the sharp wire edges- any suggestions on that?

:thankyou: You all have been great!
There are edge covers (plastic) you can get for door edges, etc. That would work..although she might nibble on it. Otherwise, clip them off close to the weld, then use a grinder/dremel/file to grind down the edges. OR bend over the top inch..fold it over and using pliers bend the edges under.
yeah the mom was just concerned. i had a kit fall out of the cage and it was dead when i found it. that was sad.It was the runt and it was not getting fed as much as the others.
Okay I finally finished a nice roomy wire nest box & put it in tonight- I'd better not find any babies out tomorrow morning :x

BTW, their eyes are open! :bouncy: I thought it would take 2 weeks but this is only day...10? Seems like there is always a runt. I have 2 HUGE babies 2 regular & another little Scrawny- though not nearly as little as the other 2.
Rabbits typically open their eyes on Day 10, although it can take longer. Once their eyes are open they really begin to explore, so any day now they are going to start popping out of the box. This is normal and all you need to do is to put a brick or block next to the nest box so that they have a step up to get back in. Even a pile of hay or straw can help them climb back in. Pretty soon they will start chasing momma around and sliding under her for extra milk. They will also begin nibbling solid foods. It's a good time to make sure grass hay is available. They will also begin to eat greens, grain or pellets... in other words, whatever you are feeding momma.

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