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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2010
Reaction score
Stpetersburg, FL
Tessa my Elop had her first litter today. I was worried I have been trying to breed her for 5mo now. I changed bucks and boom pregnant. SHe is a nice blue tort and the buck is a broken blue tort. All that babies are so light can't wait to see the colors. Oh she had 7 of them. I will post pics soon. One question she never did pull any fur out is this something I need to be worried about?
if she doesn't pull any, give those babies something to keep them warm. :) and congrats. ELops I've heard can be hard to breed and to get to raise their kits. So YEAH!!!!!!!!! first part down, now to see if she gets the second part down right. GO bunny GO!
Yes, by all means give those popples some bedding: dryer lint, teased cotton balls or batting, shredded paper, even newspaper or feathers from a pillow. Fortunately this time of year in Florida, seven kits should be able to stay warm fairly easily.

If your doe is a first timer, she may just be a bit slow getting her act together. She may pull fur sometime in the next 24 hours. But don't wait... give the kits something.

You'll want to check the kits in the morning to see if they are being fed. They should have round, full-looking bellies, almost as though they had swallowed a grape. Sometimes it is not that pronounced, but that gives you a good idea what to look for.

Ok I put some cotten Battind I made all fluffy and made a nest for them in the nest box and they are sleeping nicely in ther box I will get pic tomorrow I messed with them so much alredy but mom is calm about it. Untill I ran the vacuume and she got up set a little. I have 1 more doe that is due any day I did that so just incase I will have a back up doe in need be. :) I wonder if I can get a rew out of the two one looks white then again it could be fawn. He has had a fawn every litter he produced. I realy hope she is a good mom and feeds them.
Well I think I timed the breeding just right Windy also had her babies 7 also from the same dad. They look a little beaten up one has a small cut and the other still had it's after birth on him. They look bigger then Tessa then again Windy is bigger then Tessa too. She is more protective with her babies then Tessa. Windy is my daughter's bunny and Tessa we she is everyone she the calmer one and loves to be petted. I took pics of both and uploading them now.

__________ Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:12 am __________

Tessa's first




<br /><br />__________ Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:13 am __________<br /><br />Now Windy's




Awww, the first thing I thought was 'look at those ears' lol. Very cool!
Yes the are doomed to have huge ears Dad has tip to tip 25inch ears Windy's is 24 1/2 inch and Tessa a little smaller at 22 1/2 inch.
Oh! I've never seen itty bitty baby ELops before! They look SO different from regular babies! That's adorable, congrats! Keep us posted as they grow?
Congrats on the Elop litter! They are my favorite breed and I suspect you will have a great deal of fun raising those kits. :)

She is doing it Tessa is building a nest. Next to the nest box but she is pulling her hair YAY she just might be a goom mom after all.
Well I checked on Tessa's and Windy's babies and they bellies are nice and round. So looks like the first 24hrs are going good I will post pics as they grow. I did breed 2 brokens together as the only buck I have a is a broken but it looks like we have only one charlie (I think that is what it is called). Now when he grows do I sell him as a pet only or can he make a good breeder? Is REW carried? I got one from Tessa that is still very white and pink around the eyes. Then again they are only 2 days old. so it could be another color. Breeding chinchillas and know what colors they would produce was so simple rabbits not so much.

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