At the show

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I'm spending the day at the first show I've been to in many years and I'm learning a ton. I'm finding myself strangely attracted to the Harlequins. I may go for them instead of the Californians. :p
The Satins are looking rather compelling as well. I forgot how much I like that coat.

I vote for more carriers. Unless you brought friends along... they can hold a couple each on their laps.
I had about 40 holes total in carrier space until yesterday. Now I have about 42 holes.

Do you know how many show carriers a breeder needs? One MORE!!!

Look seriously at feeders and water crocks while you're there, too. Trust me when I tell you that you're going to need them, it's never a bad idea to have a few around, and those things cost some serious bucks in shipping because of the size of the boxes they wind up being shipped in.
Harlequin always a fun breed. You'll never have a shortage of rabbit meat in the freezer. A good Harlequin's are few a far between.
Remember in a pinch buy the rabbit, it can always travel home in a box (or two or three ... etc.). :D
This was a new show for the club so no vendors and besides me, I'm guessing there was one person there that wasn't showing & she got her info and left. The lady I was talking to about the Harle's is working on the 'good Harlequin' problem and I really liked what I saw on the table. The judges were impressed by the quality they were judging. They said they were used to seeing 20 & 30 people at the table instead of the dozen that were exhibiting today. I didn't see any rabbits for sale at all, but as far as I can tell, rabbit shows up here are much more by the club for the club but with everyone being welcome if that makes sense.

After the show, during the clean up,I heard one of the judges say they had a 100 members in their club and they wouldn't have as many people helping with cleaning as this club did. I believe I'm needing to join the club as well
3mina":mhtdq754 said:
After the show, during the clean up,I heard one of the judges say they had a 100 members in their club and they wouldn't have as many people helping with cleaning as this club did. I believe I'm needing to join the club as well

Unfortunately, that is so true. Few people want to do the work which is required to make the show go smoothly, but they are all too happy to leave their mess behind for someone else to clean up.

I'm quite certain they'd be happy to have a few new members. Always nice to get someone in there who is motivated and willing to help.
3mina, the first impression is normally the one which lasts the longest. Sounds like you'll fit in very well with that club.
I'm much looking forward to my first show here in about 5 weeks. The club isn't one that I would beable to join (3 hours away) and I am going to take a couple rabbits to show but I'm hoping I can still learn alot!
Thank you SatinsRule.
Rittert3, this club has members from all over Alberta, average distance from the clubs 'base' two hours or more.
We don't have the population for anything less spread out. If you like what you see at this club why not go for it? Yes, you'll learn a ton :)
MSD, I'm considered more than a little weird for my interests, friends are a bit thin on the ground, at least in the flesh.
There is another club just 45 min- hr away and we all host a couple shows a year, I think from the way it sounds. I've got the application just have to send it and the money.
All the clubs in Florida seem to be focused on the north and central part of the state so a "close" show is 200 miles away. So I am trying all the shows this year or so and focus on the better runs ones next year. I also will try Georgia and South Carolina shows since they are about 500 miles away. besides if the rabbitry grows the was I want in the next 5 years I'll need to diversify a little.