-HRanchito":i5v2tbjd said:
Laaaahve your smooshy bunny! I think you are making great progress. Can't wait for your next astrex who pops out with angora-type fur. :mrgreen:
I want to see Astrex-Angora type fur too! I found this at Rabbit_Genetics Yahoo Group:
"Re: Non-color genetics question
Posted By:
Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:29 pm |
> It is not completely clear as to how many genes are involved in the
> (wavy) coat; it is usually written 'wawa'....but there is some
> that two loci may be involved. Ask me again in about five years.

> Book to read: Rabbit Production, 8th edition. Excellent resource.
> PA
Hmm, very interesting. Can a Satin angora carry or express the wavy
gene? My young SAs and my tort buck have wavy coats!
Evans Rabbit Ranch"
One response in that thread had a link to this page and check out that photo:
http://www.rabbitcolors.info/int/en/ent ... de=display
If I had known my Muppet would turn woolly I'd have kept his parents and paired them again. I have a niece and a grand niece of his. (They have normal fur) I just presumed I'd be able to pair him to one of them (and many other does) to explore his fur more.
I have paired the niece & grand niece to my astrex buck. We shall see what comes of it.
__________ Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:12 pm __________
bucknercrestfarm":i5v2tbjd said:
My new zealands had astrex gene we lost all of them in a fire a few months ago but they were amazing

I am so very, very sorry you had a fire
And to lose your NZs...astrex ones at that!
__________ Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:15 pm __________
trinityoaks":i5v2tbjd said:
Ohhhhhhh. . . smooshy bunny. . . :baby04:
P.S. We need a "mesmerized" smilie. . .
Trinity that's awesome

:laugh2: And I too love the Hypnotized smilie OAF!
__________ Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:32 pm __________
Bad Habit":i5v2tbjd said:
Who says you can't cross a few state and provincial lines?? All you need is a passport, and some gas money... How many people fit in your car? Maybe rent a bus, everyone chip in, and drive all the way up here, picking up RT'ers along the way??
Yes, Ladysown has lovely Astrex! OOOOOooooooh man I wish there was a big Astrex convention where everyone got a pair of stock and could work on getting curl all over, and curl that keeps. :stirpot2: <---- Imagine this smilie as a scientist with beakers and rabbit algorithms
I don't have the means to take the trip, or I would. I'd LOVE to set up a relay, dropping off rabbits and picking others up along the route.
There is a Rabbit Relay group (a couple of them) and one gal in Georgia has curly Velveteen BEW Lops (yes, BEW curlies! In Vlops!) and is looking at that breeder in Ontario. She has transport from Michigan to Convention and then down to her in GA. We just need someone to get the rabbits from the breeder and to her friend in MI.
We had one serious offer for transport availability but they wanted to charge gas plus a daily fee (they have no interest in the astrex themselves so I can understand that) and their purposed fee was nearly $2000 just for them to get the rabbits to the first relay-er. Unfortunately, that is too expensive for us to do. I put checks in with equine transporters to see if we can piggyback on a transport to save on costs, but so far, no luck there either.
I ran into the same problem last year with Helga. She can get the rabbits to Washington, which is great! But I am in Tennessee and couldn't get anyone to relay close enough for it to work.
It isn't that it won't work someday, but right now, things don't seem to be falling into place. I have a Merle Rat story though that reminds me to let things sit on the back burner for a while when the going doesn't look too good. Sometimes it all clicks together like you wouldn't believe.<br /><br />__________ Mon Dec 31, 2012 10:36 pm __________<br /><br />
skysthelimit":i5v2tbjd said:
I really need a passport.

Me too! I remember when we could cross the border for a day picnic and back with nothing but a wave to the border guards. We've even taken dogs over the border on a trip to visit Niagra falls once. (I was SO CLOSE if I had only known about this Ontario breeder -- and if they were raising rabbits at the time, etc ;D)
But Skys IF a way can be found to get them over the border and into MI, there is a gal from TN that is driving up to Toledo Ohio and back. Not sure where you are located but it isn't out of the realm that she could even drop a trio off to you on her way back down.

opcorn: Guess we'll see if things work out someday.