Asking for some prayers-updated pg 2

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2012
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I just got a call about my sister in law. She may be facing a very tough road with cancer. I don't do this, but I am asking for prayers, good juju, happy healing thoughts, or whatever you can spare. She is scared, mostly for her two small children. My brother is, of course, freaking out. If you feel inclined, please send on some good thoughts to my family.

Thank you so very much.
:cry: Oh no!

I know how frightened she must be for her children. I had a scare a few years ago which turned out to be fibroid tumors, and I was beside myself about my kids.

I will keep her and your family in my prayers.
Oh, Marinea, I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Warm healing thoughts and sincere wishes that your sister-in-law will come through this okay and that she and your brother are able to hold onto hope instead of giving way to the fear. Cancer is always a scary word, but they can do so much more now than in days past. (((HUGS))) to all of you.
Thank you all for good thoughts and prayers.

This will sound selfish, but it has me flashing back to the night I thought I had appendicitis. I went to the ER, and after hours and hours of tests, the doctor nonchalantly said, "Well, I made you an appointment in the morning with an oncologist", and then walked out of the room. That was how I found out about my ovarian cancer. As if it were yesterday, I can remember sitting in my car in the hospital parking lot, crying my eyes out, wondering how I had ended up so far from my family, and how the world had changed in a matter of hours.

My sister-in-law has had a long history of challenges. She is not aware of how strong she is. I know what she's feeling right now, and how scary it is. Please pray for (or send thoughts of) strength and peace.

(hugs) to everyone from me...and my sister-in-law.
Marinea, I am praying for your SIL. My maternal grandmother died from breast cancer and I decided LONG ago that if I ever was diagnosed with it, I would go immediately for a bilateral mastectomy. I know to many women that had recurrence in the same breast or the other breast after lumpectomy.
Hope all goes well. I can't imagine how scary
It is for her and her children.
Hope she can be strong and not let her fears et
In the way. Hope things go ok!
Sending my prayers, and positive healing thoughts for your SIL! HUGS!!!
I'm praying for your SIL, Marinea.

Like MSD, I've had fibroid tumors... but they have scared me every time. ("What if it isn't a fibroadenoma this time?") They make me think about my kids, my husband, my mom... everything.

It's way different, I am sure, to have those fears confirmed by the diagnosis. :(
Sending prayers and good vibes your way for your SIL and your family. -offers hugs-
I got an update from the family. Sister in law is still undergoing more tests, but at this time the leading candidate is a ruptured ovarian cyst which has caused fluid to encircle her ovary. Her liver tested clean :) We are still in watch mode for the rest of the tests, but it is looking better.

I want to sincerely thank you all for the prayers and good wishes. I have felt more at peace since I posted this initially, and I know it's because of the thoughts and prayers sent my family's way.
That is splendid news! I hope they can get her healthy and home to her family soon! :clover: