ARRGHH! The infertility fairy strikes!!!

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
May 7, 2013
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Reno, NV, USA
Out of three does bred during the same two days in early August, only one of them kindled - and even then, she only had 2! I guess my previous run of having had no problems with buck fertility during hot spells has ended.

But the one plus is - super-fat baby rabbits from such a tiny litter! Check out these little pudge-pots, only 10 days old and probably three times as large as usual.


Since then, I have re-bred all the missed does, mostly to my young buck (who is the father of the two). Hopefully his fertility is already back and then some.
The infertility fairy has been busy! My friend and I both bred does last month, and quite a few missed. :(

Those sure are cute little kits! It's amazing how big and fat they are when there isn't any competition at the milk bar! :D