When talking about a self rabbit that carries ch or c, no I've not found in my rabbits that it lightens self rabbits at all. A vast majority of my rabbits are sired by white (REW) bucks because that's all I had at the time. None of my blacks, blues or chocolates are lighter than their parents who weren't sired by white (REW) bucks. The only rabbit I have right now that I could say this REW lightens shades might work is my siamese (sallander) colored Satin who is chin/REW. But even then I feel it's more a combination of her other genes that make her coat lighter than the REW. She wasn't meant to be a siamese Satin. We just had no idea her parents carried the gene to make her one since those genes are recessive.
There are a few things that are non genetic that can give a rabbit a brown cast. Personally I've read experiences from other people that sunlight, heat, chemicals can do it. A woman was using a sprayer for bugs and it was misting a rabbit and the fur was damaged.
Genetically you may have to consider your rabbit may not be self (C), it may be shaded. Without a picture, or a few pictures we are basically just guessing.
If for whatever reason I'm confusing, I had minimal sleep and just woke up. So I'm sorry.