ARBA rabbit show

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
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Phoenix is having a ARBA rabbit show on the 18th and I am planning to go!!! :bouncy: Beside wanting to see all the different breeds that I've never seen before, my most sort after wants is buying a new Flemish and Mini Rex does. Beside talking to breeders and soaking as much information as possiable, I want my new buns! I'm SUPER excited I just cant contain myself!!!!! :clap: :clap:
You are going to have such a good time! Are you going to exhibit as well, or are you just going to buy more bunnies?
Enjoy! Try to wander around and watch as much judging as you can.

Remember the judges are not supposed to know whose rabbit they are judging so don't yell to your friend "Your rabbit is over here!"

Have a good day!
I'm going for both. To buy more rabbits and to learn. I want to soon in the future show MR so I want to learn all the qualities in a show MR and at least aim in the right direction. I'm sooo excited to go, I've been sending the word out to other people with or without rabbits to go and have a fun time!
But on a better note my MR doe should have her liter (first for me) on March 2! I'm on my way to show quality bunnies!!!