So I caved... I'm almost a full year into my rabbit keeping, and I've finally arranged to buy some new rabbits. I'm adding a pair of pedigreed Standard Rex to my barn. I was wondering if anyone would have any commentary on the new stock - I'm not super familiar with the Rex standard, so I'm not sure these two are fantastic, per se, but they appear nicely balanced to me, and are look stronger in the shoulders than my NZ buck.
Here are the ad photos for the two rabbits I plan to purchase. I'll be off to pick them up on Saturday, if all goes well.
This is the doe: She's a yearling, give or take, who just had her first litter, and raised 9. The recent litter has her out of condition, so her coat leaves something to be desired right now. But I suspect she'll get back to normal nicely. Her kits were the sale ad as well and looked good, I thought.

I have also agreed to purchase a young broken blue buck who is not from this litter, and so not pictured.
I'm not an expert, but they look really nice to me. The only downside is that once with these guys are in my "barn" all my adult cages are full. (they'll live in my quarantine stacker elsewhere first thought). I will have to cull down again once I've tested the new stock out against the old. I'm just loathe to cull first, just in case these two don't work out quite as planned. Not counting my cadbury creme eggs before they hatch and all that.
For those who don't want to click over, here's my favorite of her recent kits.

[EDIT: Why am I posting this? Because, relevant XKCD, people need to know: there are buns.]
Here are the ad photos for the two rabbits I plan to purchase. I'll be off to pick them up on Saturday, if all goes well.
This is the doe: She's a yearling, give or take, who just had her first litter, and raised 9. The recent litter has her out of condition, so her coat leaves something to be desired right now. But I suspect she'll get back to normal nicely. Her kits were the sale ad as well and looked good, I thought.

I have also agreed to purchase a young broken blue buck who is not from this litter, and so not pictured.
I'm not an expert, but they look really nice to me. The only downside is that once with these guys are in my "barn" all my adult cages are full. (they'll live in my quarantine stacker elsewhere first thought). I will have to cull down again once I've tested the new stock out against the old. I'm just loathe to cull first, just in case these two don't work out quite as planned. Not counting my cadbury creme eggs before they hatch and all that.
For those who don't want to click over, here's my favorite of her recent kits.

[EDIT: Why am I posting this? Because, relevant XKCD, people need to know: there are buns.]