Anyone wanna critique a website?

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Very nice. :)

I need to get busy and set one up too.

You have a typo on the links page- misspelled "American" for the ARBA link.

Only problem I saw was there is no link to everyone's favorite rabbit forum. :cry: *Sniff!*
Very nice, well-organized website! A breeze to use, and nicely done!

On the buck page, "Looking forward to getting the on the show table!"

On the links page, last link "Canadian Store selling commercial cages, supplies, wire, ect. " Should be etc. (short for "et cetera", chopped to the first three letters for short).

I'm leaving you alone on the blog page, as that's an ongoing-update thing, and I don't think you meant for me to proofread all your blog posts. :)

Pretty chocolate steel, though, if that's what she is! :p
I think it looks great.

I would add what color each of your bucks and does are. I think that is helpful for potential buyers so they know what colors you have in the bucks and does.
I would put image border (even just a thin black border can make a big difference).

Also, having photos of unposed rabbits or those in cages (like on your bucks page) is as bad as no photos as all. Try to get photos of them posed correctly if you can (most of the does look much nicer).

Otherwise looking good!