There are 2 registered Unicorn breeders in the world - 1 (me) located in a North America, and one located in Sweden. These people are nothing more than BYB, trying to earn a buck. Heck,I had a mare stolen a few years ago... Wonder if it was them... Unicorns are VERY rare in the lower 48 - nearly extinct. Due to the human population and deer population in some places, we're not relocating there currently.
NUBAA was canceled years ago. After people starting stealing them from the wild, it was canceled and changed to URU - Unicorn Rehibilation of the Universe
Right now I have 5 breeding mares - I get about an egg a week. The incubation is 10 months,and the babies are usually helped out by their father, so when they hatch you need to help them get out of the shell. It's about a 3 inches thick, and 5f wide / tall. The reason is similar to when foals are born - the father helping them out bonds with the foals, and will prevent him from killing them. The mares are synced to automatically start producing milk, and the foals begin drinking from the nearest mare. Often times foals are not being raised by there biological mother!
Right now I'm hand feeding a colt. The fillies have a dark brown coat when born, the colts are born white, though they end up a creamy white when adults (both sexes). We don't sell them as pets - all foals here either go to zoos, or to the wild.
This is currently my bottle fed buck. Usually I leave with the mares, but one of my southerns got at my northern mare. I was quite surprised to see the egg was viable - he is much smaller compared to most of my foals. I only have 1 southern. A little stallion who couldn't be released, that somehow made his way up here. Found him crippled in the snow
he's the reason I decided to become a URU breeder - I wanted to stop BYB and release these beautiful creatures in the wild!
the URU is also working on a website. It needs to be fixed, though some information and pictures have been added. Hopefully one day people will be able to see huge herds running through the wild again...
one can dream.