Anyone care to guess when she will lamb?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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Looks like my 2nd girl will lamb at some point.
Anyone want to guess as to when; guesses as to how many?

Everyone was shorn today, hopefully it wasn't too stressful on her!


Oh my! she looks giant! Triplets? or big twins? looks like her bum is relaxing maby a week. just a guess, I never knew when my ewe was going to pop. Eather she would sneek in with my ram or I would have them turned out for a few months. It was always a supprise for me.
At least this one told me she was carrying lamb. My other ewe had a single back in march, she looked thin and no udder until 2-3 days before!
It's no fun crawling on the ground to check hoohoos and teats, lol. But they got shorn today, so no more looking silly.
My word! :shock:

I'd guess triplets, and they should be here by now! :p

Can't wait to see lamb-y pics!
Nope, nothing at all!
But, there was a bumble bee sitting on her the other week for the night....

She had twins last year, her sister, who had the single this spring, had triplets last spring.
I don't care how many she has as long as it's a healthy girl or two!

I'll get new pics when the rain breaks!

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