Wow, Lauren, you've got as big a problem as I do!
I am sure that in order to do anything significant to the yard, we'd have to call city government. It could be that what we have done already (the elevated garden, right smack in the middle of where some of the water sits, because that's where the best sun is), they would want removed. My uncle (all of us, really) is really wary of bringing the government into anything. So we've just decided to live with it and fight with it and manage.
The yard is constructed as a big, shallow swale. It has some slightly higher points to direct the water. We're going to try to put the trees along some of those higher points as much as we can, so they will spend less time in standing water. Shay is going to build 18" high (that's what I've read is recommended if the land holds water), 3' square, bottomless containers for the trees.
I found some dwarf trees! :razz: They weren't marked dwarf, but I bought only trees that told me how big they'd get, and only if they got no taller than 10' tall. I looked online later, and most of these trees would normally grow 20-30' tall, so they have to be on dwarfing rootstock. This is what I have:
Methley Plum
Bruce Plum
Meiwa Kumquat
Owari Satsuma
Sweet Pomegranate (this one can max out at 12', if I let it)
I still want to get:
A pear that will pollinate the pear my uncle already has (he had planted fruit trees, and this is the only one that survived -- it's on a narrow, elevated spot next to where the water breaks through)
Apples (they have come up with a few that will grow down here)
Cherries (there is at least one that will grow down here)
Magnolia Place -- where did you get that big tub your orange tree is in? I've been looking for those, and have been unable to find them -- which is why Shay was going to build the boxes.