I tried to remember and count back the number of horses I have had over the years once. I think I gave up at about 30. I grew up on horseback and Dad & I loved going to auctions. We would come home with a new one more often than not. Ride for awhile, teach it some stuff and when it was no longer a challenge, there would be a new one to teach something to.
My most memorable one didn't even belong to me. I wish to this day that it had. It was a 3YO Thoroughbred mare, straight off the track. Went cheap because the owners thought she was crazy. A man & woman at my stable with more heart than horse sense purchased her and locked her in a stall. She went even more crazy. They had no business owning this horse. They were both well over 300 lbs, and the only other horse they had ever owned was an orphaned foal they had raised. Never been on a horse, and wanted me to work with it so one of them could ride it. Yeah, right.
First ride, horse went over a 4 wire fence with me. Luckily it was smooth wire so no harm, but I ride western and this was the highest thing I had ever jumped. Of course, I hadn't intended to jump it, but all worked out OK.
Second ride, horse reared up and fell over backwards on me. Again, angels in my corner because while both horse & myself were shaken, neither of us were hurt. After that, the horse seemed to realize she wasn't going to get rid of me and we got down to work. With proper pasture time and saddle time, she turned into the smoothest, most willing horse I've ever ridden. She never did get over her phobia of being locked in a stall. Those people changed stables and I lost track, but I remember the horse to this day.
Another horse I remember was Magic. Dad bought her from a killer buyer at auction and we had her a long time. She was only about 13.2 hands, but was the fastest horse I ever rode. I loved to race, and would race anyone and anything - people in pasture, cars on the rode, rabbits in the field. In a straight out race, she was never beaten by another horse. Such a willing & sweet little horse. I could put my much younger siblings on her and they couldn't get her to do more than walk, but when I got on her whole mind set changed and she was ready for anything.
My last horse, and she will likely be the last horse I ever own, was Tahnee. I purchased her at auction as a yearling and raised her up. She did everything I asked and I had a lot of fun getting back in the saddle and teaching her stuff. I just decided with hubby's health problems and my rising age and weight, that it was time to get off horseback and get back into something less likely to kill me, hence the rabbits. She was a sweetheart and I miss having horses, but I can live vicariously thru you guys stories. Thanks for sharing!