Any DIY Rabbit feeder plans????

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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We are going on vacation for 1 week in October. We have 9 rabbit cages (singles 24"x24"x16") that need some type of feeder that will last the week. We have small breeds (Holland Lops and Lion Heads) so we don't need huge feeders, but something that will last 5 days.

J-Feeders would be great, but they run about $7 each..... I've searched on Craigslist and even put a "wanted" on there in pets and also farm/garden in our city and the three cities around us with no replies (it's been on there for over a month and I keep renewing it to the top of the list).

So I'm wondering what do you guys & ladies do? We don't have the ability to have someone come check on them, so I was hoping that there would be some type of "Build-it-yourself" rabbit feeder plans..... something that would be less expensive. I've seen the "Coffee can" feeder but don't have the cans and don't like the idea of any sharp edges. I've also checked Bass and some of the other sellers, but with shipping I'm still just under $7 each so there is no savings there.

If anyone knows of such plans we would really be happy if you could direct us where to find them.

Not to worry about water....... We have that figured out. We will have a couple 2 liter water bottles attached to each cage........... We are just looking for "feeder" plans/ideas.

There's this: ... ur-rabbit/

They specify a square container, but I don't see any good reason why. You could probably hot-glue (or silicone caulk) the two pieces together.

It would need to be very well-secured, so none of your rabbits could flip it.

It would be wise give anything you decide to do a full 1-week test before you leave. Several 1-week tests. So much can go wrong. Find out well in advance if there are any weaknesses in your plans. Water bottles that leak out in three days. Feed digging. Feed dumping. See if your rabbits can go for a week with no intervention on your part. The inability to have someone looking in on them while you are gone... that would scare me so badly! Even with every kink worked out, it can all still go wrong. :(
Water delivery would worry me more than the food. Seven a super
long time. Surely, you'll have somebody check on them either daily or at the most
every other day. Those little "balls" in the water nipples can get "leaky" and
the water will drain out in less than 24 hours.

Wishing you only the very best of luck and I hope all goes well with your
herd of rabbits.

I hate to be the naysayer, but I believe you are making a grave mistake.
I would suggest that you "Bite the Bullet" and purchase the largest [J] feeders
that you can I would place at least two two liter soda bottles per cage,
per Rabbit. Rabbits drink more water than you can imagine.
If you can only give one thing WATER would be that thing!
It may be more advisable for you to, NOT go on vacation if you cannot
get anyone to look in on your charges.
After all, they depend on YOU for everything!
As always, JMPO!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Miss M":2kbixiv5 said:
It would be wise give anything you decide to do a full 1-week test before you leave. Several 1-week tests. So much can go wrong. Find out well in advance if there are any weaknesses in your plans. Water bottles that leak out in three days. Feed digging. Feed dumping. See if your rabbits can go for a week with no intervention on your part. The inability to have someone looking in on them while you are gone... that would scare me so badly! Even with every kink worked out, it can all still go wrong. :(

So much this. I have gone out in the morning and found things wrong after just having checked the buns the evening before. If I was to take a vacation away from home, I would most likely write down detailed instructions and either have a friend come by once a day, or I would hire a pet sitter to come by daily. Yes, I realize it costs money to do that, but it costs less than replacing my herd after losing them to some catastrophe.
I am not sure about the food, unless you can get some thing like the cat/dog self feeders from a pet store. They have time release ones for a varying amount of food for so many days.

As for the water, you can do a self filling/watering system. My husband and I did this and currently have it set up to provide water for 6 rabbit cages. We do not have the hose hooked up to it just yet, so I go out and refill the bucket once a day. Here is a link that we found very helpful when setting this up for our bunnies:

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