Another video of my colony

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2011
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The buck never harassed the girls before (he is neutered) why now all of a sudden? And why did he specifically go after Belle and not the others? He's such a funny character though i had to fight my laugh :lol:

You might notice that the chocolate is very nervous and cautious. She is the lowest rank female so they're picking on her the most.
The sable too, hence the bald spots on their fur.
The male has a bad coat since winter, i treated him for mite but he isn't growing his old fur back that used to be silky.

Are those Hulstlander's? They look like BEW Florida Whites to me, very neat looking!! I like them!!!
Hi honorine

No they are your average pet rabbits with the vienna gene that gives them a white coat and blue eyes.
Hulstlanders are twice their size.

Thankyou :)
Really? I thought that the average weight for Hulstlander's was 5.5 lbs? Am I mistaken? I did a bit of googling Hulstlander's after seeing your guys, and they pretty much looked like BEW Thriantas to me, and about the same size maybe a bit bigger. Are your bunnies the size of ND's? They sure look happy!!
I don't know how lbs works but they're ideal at 2.5 kg.
Mine are around 1.5 and 1.8 and small in size. Some are not bigger than a dwarf, i have those too.
They are usually longer in the body which makes them look bigger but their height is the same as that of a dwarf.

I used to look for a hulstlander but they are quite rare and hard to find in my country.
I'm happy i didn't cause i don't like big rabbits, i like the size of mine.

Some doe's are 'on edge' in the video, they are not that close anymore as they used to be.
I think it has to do with spring coming in.

__________ Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:58 pm __________

Celeste's receptiveness is peaking today.. leading to her mounting the only buck in the colony, her fixed dad. :?
Then dad fixes on Disney and after her (celeste's mom).

She also likes to sit in front of the fence all day now, sniffing and looking at the buck who stays behind the fence.
Like lovers behind a wall trying to get to eachother.. LOL.
And she never leaves me alone when i go into the pen to clean it out, she even jumps on my lap which she has never done before.
I never expected receptive females to turn more affectionate during their peak.. :x

I had the camera with me so i just turned it on..
