Another reason not to feed corn

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2009
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After seeing this, I'm going to be MUCH more diligent about getting every last bit of corn out of my rabbits' feed. This is free to watch online through tomorrow (October 17). After that, it's $3 U.S. to watch (unless another sponsor steps up and extends the free viewing).

If this isn't a reason to feed natural, I don't know what is, especially if you're raising rabbits for your own meat. I'm even thinking about how I can go about pasture-feeding my rabbits and cutting back on the grain that I do feed them.

My hubby and kids also watched it, and I no longer have ANY complaints from them about changing our eating habits!
I try to avoid GMOs as much as possible but unless you grow all of your own food it's almost impossible. Even if you grow your own food it's now so pervasive in our environment that it keeps creeping in.
There is a proposal on this election ballot that would require labeling of all GMO food in California and I pray it passes but the general public is still not aware of the dangers. Monsanto et al is trying very hard to keep those dangers hidden.
Monsanto assures us that GMO food is safe. This is the same company that assured us PCBs, Agent Orange and DDT were safe.
I wish I could be more conscientious of what I am eating and feeding, but living where I do, and the way I live, I don't have the resources to grow my own food, or the resources to raise my animals in a more natural way, with out going broke.
I'm doing the best I can, and trying to do better. I'm buying pasture-fed dairy and eggs from a local farmer now, pasture-fed beef and chicken from another source, and looking for a local source of fresh fruits and veggies. I've stopped buying anything with canola, corn or soy in the label until I can find a source of non-GMO corn. Won't go back to soy or canola, and we'll just do without corn for now. If it's USDA organic or verified by the Non-GMO Project, it's ok.

hoodat, I sincerely hope that Prop. 37 passes next month in California!

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