Another feeding thread...

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Desert Rose Rabbits

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
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So, I was mixing up some grain this morning and got to thinking about how much waste there's been. Pellets are just too expensive when feeding free-feeders so I switched everyone over to grain. So far, it's been awesome! Kit growout rate has been good, and Maw Maw was able to keep her condition up much more easily with this litter (good growth on these little guys too), but I've noticed that most of my rabbits have become Diggers. Before the grain, this wasn't an issue. Sure, I'd get the occasional digging when I top dressed with something yummy, but it was a rare event. Now... now everyone's doing it.

I feed in crocks (can't afford anything else.. they're using crocks I've found for cheap at thrift stores), and the two J-Feeders I use are situated to a height where they're standing and are barely able to reach the food. I'm probably losing half, or more, of what I put in there.

The last few days have been crazy hectic here so my feeding schedule has taken a slight change. This is my normal feed run:
Growouts: Free fed grass hay and 17% alfalfa cubes, and they also get two large crocks full of the oat mixture
Non-Producing Seniors: Free fed grass hay and cubes (each rabbit eats probably one or two a day), and between 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of the grain mix.
Nursing Does: Free fed grass hay and cubes, a full crock of oats mixed with 16% alfalfa pellets

Now, I got to thinking, and this whole feeding thing is quite expensive. It wouldn't normally bother me, but my husband's unemployment is running out and I'm trying to stockpile as much $$ as I can. So, I was wondering if it would be realistic to feed primarily the grass hay with the alfalfa cubes as the primary protein. It seems like it would be fine since the pellets are alfalfa pellets and are actually less protein than my cubes. If I supplemented with a salt block, and essentially top dressed with the grains, they'd be getting what they need, right?

I'm sure grow out rates might be a little slow, but that won't be a problem once I have more producing does.

If the rabbits were actually eating what I was giving them with the oats, it wouldn't be an issue, but I'm seriously losing lots of money into the stomachs of wild birds because of this. I'm just really looking at how to cut corners in the good kind of way.

EDITED 11/15

Look back at what I wrote, I guess I've kinda already answered my own question. The bulk of their diet is the hay and cubes already, and all I'd really be doing would be offering a smaller amount of the grain mix for them to waste. They all seem to be doing good so far, and milk production has been amazing.
my adult rabbits without kits do just fine with no grain,
the ones with kits do better with a little grain, [as much as they clean up in an hr] I feed alfalfa, and oat hay, [with a few roots,- carrot, beet, cooked potato 2x/week to does with kits]

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