Another Crazy Genetic Issue!!!!

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May 29, 2014
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Southern Ohio
OK. I'm convinced that my rabbits are all from Mars or somewhere. I keep having all these color issues that don't make sense to me. I wrote a while back about some of my NZ kits being born REW, but later developing dark noses, tail spots, and dark trim around their ears. We figured out that my black buck probably had some Californian in him. OK. Got that one solved. Now this issue is even stranger.

Last week, on the 30th, one of my REW does kindled. This is now her second litter, and bred to the same buck......a REW NZ which I paid good money for, and have no doubt is from a good pure bred show line. Can't say as much for the doe, but she produced some good kits last time, one of which just took 1st place in its class at our county fair today . All of the last litter were of course REW, and the only oddity of the whole thing was that she had a very difficult labor...the first 3 being born in the box, and the 4th stressed her out so much she jumped from the box and dropped it on the wire, then collapsed in the corner of the cage as if she died or at least went into shock or fainted. I went to her, put the kit in the box, and tried to see what I could do for her. She just laid there not moving, but breathing. After about 3 minutes she jumped up and seemed to look around to figure out what had happened. I stayed with her for about an hour and she had gotten in the box and I "thought" had cleaned the baby. After I left she had another sometime during the night and the nextday I found the last two both dead and uncleaned. But she proceeded to raise the remaining 3 wonderfully, and even produced winners, like I said before.

Now, back to this current litter. On the 30th of June, my doe had 2 kits. I noticed that one was somewhat smaller, and the color looked weird. It was pink, but a dark pink....almost purple. I figured it was about ready to die from its color. It was warm, just smaller and darker.....not black skin....just sort of "different." The other was the normal pink color for a REW. So I just figured I'd wait and see what happened. I had checked the nest well and there were no other kits. But the next day there was another baby. I know at least 10 - 15 hours had passed since the first 2 were born. I figured she'd had trouble having it, and was amazed it was alive. But still one of the first kits looked darker than the other two, and much smaller. I felt the doe's belly and couldn't feel any more inside, but the next day I went out and noticed a blob of something in her cage on her hay. It looked like afterbirth at first glance, but she'd had all the kits in the box, none out on the cage floor! Upon closer inspection I found it to be the head of yet another kit that had been mostly eaten.

Now I know that this doe is obviously going to have difficult deliveries. That part I understand. But the strange colored kit has me stumped! Could it be some sort of birth defect? It's now got its "fuzz" and it's NOT white. It's SILVER! I took some pics yesterday, when it would have been 4 days old. I'm going to try to attach the pics, but I tried to do that a half hour ago and lost half my post. So I may have to post them as "replies". Can anyone tell me what I've got going on here? There's no chance she bred with anything but my good buck.....unless one of the other bucks knows how to send his sperm more than 15 feet or so. How can 2 REW's have anything but a REW unless there is perhaps some type of deformity going on here? Any help will be appreciated! Thanks.

__________ Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:30 pm __________

Note: In these pics the darker kit "seems" to have black skin, but it definitely is not. The ears show some pink because they are not as "haired" yet. The hair is definitely SILVER and not white. Also, of the two lighter ones you can tell that the "whiter one" is a day or so older because it has mor hair.

__________ Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:39 pm __________

Also note: The "spots" on the kits are not color spots. They are dirty because mama didn't cleans them very well, and they have some scratches on them, either because of difficult births where she "pulled" them out, or she's jumping around on them. She seems to be caring for them, though, and the all seem healthy, full and warm.

__________ Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:49 am __________

The first pic is of the doe and her previous litter, (the 3 survivors).


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That kit looks very much like a chilled baby pointed white to me, but how it came of those two... maybe one is a pointed white with Charlie or something that makes it impossible to see the points.
It is not possible for two REW rabbits to have non white kits

PS your doe looks rather chubby and might be the reason she is having difficult births and small litter sizes, and even though it is recommended to free feed nursing does I would put her on a diet
I know these might seem like silly questions, but...

Do both the buck and doe have red eyes? Also, what is the possibility that another buck sired the litter?
Certainly will be interesting to see what it looks like when it gets older!
Keep us updated.
Dood":1mae31n6 said:
It is not possible for two REW rabbits to have non white kits

PS your doe looks rather chubby and might be the reason she is having difficult births and small litter sizes, and even though it is recommended to free feed nursing does I would put her on a diet

A more rapid breed back schedule might help get her back in the swing of things too.

At least, until she starts producing good sized litters.

I tend to think an error is more likely than a sport.
Did a buck get loose 30+ days ago? They can breed through wire..
Well now I don't feel so crazy! You all don't really understand this issue either. LOL! First I'll answer a few questions, and then I have a couple of new thought is I'll throuw out there.

Yes, the parents both have red eyes. The doe is out of a litter I bred and raised last year myself. Her sire and dam were both REW's. I still have the dam, and she's got perfectly red eyes as well as those of the father. I had a special reason for keeping this doe, which I'll explain later. No other bucks have been out of their cages at any time since one's door was left open by my grandkids back in April. She is in a hutch with 3 cages, all of which contain does. The bucks are across the barn in their own hutch, with 4 cages in it, (which I'll mention again later, as well. This doe has never been in a cage with any other buck, even from her last litter....ever. It just has not happened. I mean, I guess it's possible that some neighbor came during the night just to mess with my mind or something...... And I have no doubt about the sire of this litter and his background. I bought him from a very reputable breeder in my own community who doesn't raise rabbits for kids, but only for the BIG rabbit shows. The buck didn't come with papers or anything like that, but I perfectly trust him, as do other breeders in the area.

Now for a couple of thoughts.....

1. Since I practice always taking the doe to the bucks cage for breeding, I guess there's a possibility that a buck in the cage beside them could have got her through the wire.....but I seriously doubt it because I always watch them throughout the whole process to make sure breeding actually occurs, there is no fighting or injuries etc. I think I would have noticed if the next door neighbor did that, but maybe he was quicker than I think! LOL In any case the neighbor is a black broken, and it's hard to say what he might throw, or what geens might have shown up from the doe once the Albinoism was removed. So, this is a "POSSIBLE" answer, I guess, but I really don't think its very likely! Honestly, I don't!

2. When this doe was a couple of weeks old she had what I believed to be "rye neck." Her head hung over to one side almost to the floor. This was when she first attempted to sit up a little and try to move around. I hadn't noticed it when she was just laying in the nest, so I really don't know how long it had been that way. I jumped on the internet and found a source that said that this condition was caused by an internal parasite that affects the nervous system and maybe the brain, and if caught in time could be reversed by giving the rabbit Ivamac for cattle. Well we happened to have that because we had used it for our pigs. So I gave it the way the site directed, thinking it couldn't do any more than kill her, and I was going to have to cull her anyway. Well believe it or not, it worked! But it took time and us massaging her neck to get her back upright, and still one ear sometimes falls down a little. But I couldn't sell her to a kid for a 4-H rabbit and decided to try her for breeding. I was also pretty attached to her by that time. She gained the name "Floppy" due to her sometimes drooping ear.

Now is there any possibility that something like that could have created any long term genetic mutations? I don't know. I HAVE thought that a "nervous condition" could have affected her ability to withstand the pain and stress of giving birth. But yes she's definitely over weight! Part of the problem was that her litter was also in there and I was free feeding them for show getting them ready for weaning. But she DOES need to lose some weight! All my rabbits do. I'm really bad about over feeding them. I really have to quit babying them so much!

Now.....anyone have any new ideas? And thank you all for your interest. I will definitely keep everyone updated!

__________ Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:36 pm __________
Also please note: As I look back at the pics, please realize that the pic of the doe and previous litter is somewhat distorted. Due to the doe's rear end being so much closer to the camera (my cheap cell phone) it looks many times bigger than what it actually is. That cage is about 2 feet deep, and her rear is much closer to the camera, making it look much larger in proportion to her head than it really is. One could get the idea that shes's much fatter than she teally is.....not to say that shes not some overweight. But she may appear to have more of a weight problem than she really has. She's a long doe....possibly a foot and a half long.

Thanks again! And by the way, what is a "sport"?
A sport is a new mutation. (Or perhaps a mutation that has already occurred before, but wasn't a gene previously carried in the line)

Here's a real definition:
An organism varying in whole or in part, without apparent reason, from others of its type; this variation may be transmitted to the descendants or the latter may revert to the original type.

Rew to rew can only throw rew, but sports must occasionally happen, since all those pretty rabbit colors came from somewhere, right. :shrug:

Please keep us updated! :)
I agree with Zass as the chances of you getting a spontaneous mutation, let alone on the C-locus, is more than a million to one, but it happens or else rabbits would only come in one colour - chestnut :cheesysmile:
Took some new pics today. Each day I become more amazed at this little fellow. I realize that if, in fact, the neighboring broken black buck also bred with my doe while she was in the cage with the pure bred NZ REW, absolutely anything is possible because the doe's recessive albino geen can be canceled out and who knows what colors are hiding beneath her own "c". I guess that's the theory I'm leaning toward now, but if you would see my broken buck you'd have a laugh, (maybe I'll post a pic of him sometime) because when talking about fat and clumsy he has to win the award of the year. To barely breed a doe is a chore for him, let alone do a miraculous job through the wire! I just can't imagine him doing that! Especially with me watching! But stranger things have happened, I guess. LOL I don't know if I'm lucky enough for a "sport" and the odds sound so unrealistic! But who knows! I HAVE been wanting a pair of Blues. Could I have been lucky enough that maybe that's what this is? A dilute from the black geens in the Brocken buck neighbor? Honestly II'm so surprised by now I'm questioning my own sanity, and wondering if I even bred the doe to the buck I think I bred her to! LOL (But I DO KNOW!)

Well you all asked for more pictures, so I took more today. The kit is now exactly 7 days old. The "pinker" of the 2 whites is one day less. But now I'm also wondering about the second born "white." One would think that it would now have as much hair as the first, but still it seems to be a little "pinker" for whatever reason. Maybe my little silver guy isn't going to be the only odd ball!

__________ Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:31 pm __________

Pics, as promised.......note the skin color on the belly of the kit.....almost red but definitely not black. Question.....So if this should turn out to be a "blue" then what color skin should it have been born with?


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Wow. Seems a bit light to be Blue! If I saw even one broken kit here, I'd be more certain of that Black buck siring this litter. Still likely, but... easier to confirm if there were any broken.
Well I'm not sure about that myself. I didn't notice that spot on the pinkish one until in the photo. It's too dark now to go out and look, but first thing in the morning I'll inspect that one a little better.
Hmmm. They will grow and be easier to see every day. You'll need to commit yourself to being a photographer through the next couple weeks - for RT's sake. :camera: <br /><br /> __________ Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:56 pm __________ <br /><br />
katievictoria":zt0aynf3 said:
Can't wait til their eyes open!

In the first few days I can tell a REW from a an Ermine because the lids are pink when REW and darkish when Ermine.