Another addition to the menagerie

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2010
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Trenton Ont
At Easter my iguana, Miss Natalie, passed away. I did NOT want another iguana, they are SOOOOO hard to take care of.

So, today I was at the humane society, looking for a budgie. No budgies. But in the tiniest aquarium there was a baby iguana surrounded by rotten food. No lights. And NO idea how to care for it. They didn't have anyone from the reptile rescue come by to pick it up. I was going to drop off my books so they could learn how to care for it, but hubby talked me into taking it home. So, I have a baby iguana.
The people there said it jumps, runs and attacks, but as soon as I picked him up he settled in (it's amazing how they react when you know what you're doing, eh?). Anyone wanna help name it? I think it's a boy, but I won't know for sure until around Christmas time (it should be obvious by then). I've considered Chewie (they are a food item in tropical areas, and taste like really chewie chicken), and Cookie.

By the way, iguanas make awful pets. I don't recomend them to anyone. I honestly don't know how I'm going to cope with this one, as it has all of its tail (my last one had no tail after the vet amputated all of the infected parts).
Iggy? Not much into calling critters food unless well...they are destined to be such. :)

what would I call an iguana... I need a pic...that's what I need, a pic. :)
Yes, we need a picture! Glad your little guy landed with someone who knows what he needs. From the conditions you describe, he wouldn't have lasted long at the shelter.

Hmmm... maybe you should just call him Iggy. ;)
You could name him "Foist" since he was kind of "foisted upon you".

I hope you are able to get him back into good condition!
I renamed an iguana that hadbeen given tome-- yes, he name was Iggy, as the boy had no idea of the sex-- Ilooked up sexing, and renamed her Lady Elizabeth--'Lizzy' She grew over 18 inches in 8 months. She was not best pet, no-- but she did start eating from my hand, and would sit on the monitor while I Surfed the net-- I called her a 'monitor lizard'--
Iguanas sure do smell if not kept after judiciously!! Lizzy had her whole tail, too, and no broken spines-her death came about because she refused to bask under her lamp-- she instead headed for the window on a cold winter day-- and died of hypothermia.

I named him/her/it ODIN!
I'd had Miss Natalie so long I forgot how to take care of a sick/anorexic iguana... and she was already big when I first handled her that there was little chance of hurting her while force feeding... this little guy is SOOOO squirmy and tiny and BREAKABLE! Oh, why on earth did I cave in and bring him home? I've never handled such a tiny nuissance... it's a good thing he's cute....
Yup, it's an OLD style forum/msg board, so I have a lot of junk to get through as I try to find pertinant info. I still have all my books and lots is coming back to me. He's already got a few swolen joints in his toes, which means somehow he broke his toe, and possibly a few breaks in his tail near the tip, from constant whipping. I need to get a huge aquarium and a better heater for him, because babies are so sensitive to humidity and heat fluctuations... as they get bigger they can hold their heat longer, but for now a good breeze could set him back in his recovery. I also have to stock up on long feeding tubes and mushy healthy stuff to entice him to eat on his own. It took me almost a month to convince Natalie to eat on her own.
You would think they'd be sturdy, right? I mean they can handle a fall from 30-60 feet up, they are made to land in water, they bounce a little too... but the tail is an issue, I had 2 in my care have the tip amputated for dry gangrene due to breakage.
You probably know a lot more about iguanas than I do, but I seem to recall young ones need extra protein. Have you offered him crickets, mealworms, or waxworms? I know that some of the larger lizards like eggs, but I don't know if iguanas eat them... but he might eat them either raw or scrambled. Raw egg would be easy to force feed.

When I worked at a pet store, a co-worker was studying to be a vet and he wanted to specialize in reptiles, which was a new concept 25 years ago. I used to help him with ill reptiles and amphibians, and one of the things he did was inject them with vitamin B-12. I remember a Dumpy's Tree Frog in particular, and after being injected, he would turn a bright vibrant green! If you could give him some B-12 orally it might stimulate his appetite.

I like the name Odin- hopefully such a strong moniker will strengthen him! Good luck with the little guy. :)
If s/he's got breaks, that would be metabolic bone disease?
I looked at reptiles for about 5 minutes and decided I wasn't bright enough deal with them. I like them a lot but they are not destined for my house, fur & feathers is more my speed.

Best of luck bringing Odin back to health