Angora wool problem (on the bunny)

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
South Central Wisconsin
I have a new (to me) french doe who has a problem. Well, a couple. And I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out how to solve them.

First off: her wool is coarser than I expect, and very dry. It's also coming out in clumps rather like a heavily undercoated dog when it sheds. She's not matted at all, or I'd think it was just that. Any ideas how to solve this?

Second: While plucking her rump area or top of back is just fine (although she has lost most of the back fiber already) when I do her sides she jumps and cringes..even tho the fiber is easy to pull and obviously just shedding out. Any thoughts on this one? could she just be sensitive in that area? (lower sides, down toward stomach) She's even jumpy when I'm combing/brushing on her sides.
My experience with Angoras is very limited, as you know, Ann... but I'm wondering if her wool problems may be mainly due to her being generally out of condition. I'd be tempted to shear her and let it grow in. Chances are with good nutrition and care she will produce better wool by the time she is ready to pluck next time... and she may have calmed down some by then as well.