and now, my mom...

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
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South Eastern Oregon
tried to commit suicide. She took a bunch of my grammas pain meds, and we almost didnt realize something was wrong. Wethought she was just sleeping, but she never woke up. and by the time she got to the hospital, she was barely breathing, she has heart and muscle and probably brain damage, too. She is completely unresponsive and her o2 levels were too low, and so they lifeflighted her to Bend, the closest real hospital. So now we are trying to figure out how we are getting up there, and where we will stay.

Right now, they don't think she will ever be normal again....if she makes it.

I dont think i can do this again...
Oh, Shara, I'm so very sorry. Courage, honey... You will get through this. Sometimes people close to us make decisions we will never understand. I know you must be feeling bewildered and hurt. All I can suggest is to take comfort in your own young family, your beautiful children and your supportive husband, and to take things a day at a time. Pray for the courage and strength and serenity you need to get through this. It will help.
I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. We do not always understand the reasons why things happen the way that they do. Prayers sent your way.
Shara, I'm so sorry to hear this. I sure am sending prayers your way. Please, like Maggie said, take comfort in your husband and children. I know that you can do this. (((Shara))) Please update us and let us know how you are doing when you get the chance. I am so worried for you.
And far more often than not, the person who attempts to commit suicide fails to realize how much trauma and chaos they are causing for the loved ones they'd leave behind.

We're pulling for you, Sharia.
Hugs and prayers for you, sweetie. You CAN do it. Don't look ahead, don't look back...just go one step at a time. Don't start worrying about 'what next?" in a negative way.

this next is VERY IMPORTANT!
Take time out of EVERY SINGLE DAY to do something nice for yourself. A hot soak in a tub with bubblebath. A massage from hubby. A 10 minute "sit and read with the kiddies" or a snuggle on the couch. Get out of the house and go for a walk with the kids or hubby. If someone says "is there anything I can do?", give them something to do for you. LET them do something for you. Even if it's just running to the store for diapers or milk.

It's amazing how refreshed you can feel from just 10 minutes of ME time. And every morning when you comb your hair, or wash your face, look in the mirror and say OUT LOUD "I'm strong. I can do this. " You can also add "My family loves me, and I love them. We'll get through this".

Take care, Shara. We're pulling for you.
I am so sorry, Shara. :cry:

Please do take care of yourself, as Ann says. It would be easy to allow yourself to sink into depression with all that is happening. Don't let it get you. Take time to enjoy and laugh with your children and your husband every day. That will help you pull through this.

I will be keeping you in prayer.
Thanks guys. She seems to be improving, but we just have to wait to know what everything will end up being, adn how much damage was done.

I am's like I can't function, almost like I am drunk.
Shara":2zqp9kw5 said:
Thanks guys. She seems to be improving, but we just have to wait to know what everything will end up being, adn how much damage was done.

I am's like I can't function, almost like I am drunk.

Shara, I know something of how your mother was feeling- call it life experience if necessary- if you, or anyone else on this board has trouble understanding, I may be able to help explain, because it is not a case of 'wanting' to die, and has nothing to do with irrational thinking. Your Mother is in my prayers.And I send along the hope that your own personal devastation does not eat you the way it did your Mother. A big hug for you....
Shara, that numb feeling is normal under the circumstances. I've always thought, when something terrible happens, that it is your body protecting you while your mind adjusts to what has happened. Or something like that. Don't let it worry you... It will pass. (((Hugs)))
Thanks Maggie. I have good news. She is out of the ICU. She is talking, eating food, and showing annoyance. lol. still very very sick, but out of the woods. YIPPEE!!!

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