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American Blue and White

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Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
American Rabbits for sale

I have 6 white kits with one doe and 6 white and 3 blue with another doe,,,so if interested I can get you an unrelated pair or trio.....
Hey gang,I don't get on the internet much,but I rebred my 13 pound american too try again and will be keeping some outa the two other does,but plan on taking some too nationals in oct. in wichita,ks..I may also put up a booth for I have a furless project going on....

I also have production whites in the nestbox now......One,two projects too many....LOL
I would love to see pictures. Is it true that a red variety might be in the works so Americans can be offered in RED, WHITE & BLUE? I think it's a wonderful idea.
Jill":10hfo2x7 said:
I would love to see pictures. Is it true that a red variety might be in the works so Americans can be offered in RED, WHITE & BLUE? I think it's a wonderful idea.
The last I heard is that it was a personal project and has the american rasiers up in arms,for we need alot alot of work on the blue and white too throw another color in...I agree though I think its cool aswell....

My 13 pound white american had 7 last monday and one died last night and the others are lookin week,not much milk production,I keepin my hopes up though....