Am I getting taken??

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This place is definitely a haven of knowledge and encouragement. Thanks to all who have contributed. I'm learning a ton here!

I'll get to pick from different age groups ranging from senior does to just weaned kits. I'm going to look over those guides to see what I need to look for. I'm definintly going to check out their Florida Whites too. My son wants to get a doe from them as well so he can learn. He hopes to be able to make a little spending $$ too.

My setup consists of the 4 hole cage I'm getting, hanging under a lean-to that is connected to my shed, which is fenced in my backyard. I'm going to fence in a 30'x30' run so that the rabbits can have grass and sunshine as well as being handled regularly. My plan is to move the kits to a Polyface style tractor when they wean and grow them out on fresh grass. Then of course at 8-10 weeks, depending on size, they will help feed my family of 8. I know I'll have to do some tweaking here and there, as I've still got a lot to learn, but I'm excited that I'm finally about to start something I've been waiting a while to start.

No offense, but I'd rather not discuss the previous breeder anymore. Maybe she was just having a bad day. I know I could have responded better after she got an attitude, but I let emotion get to me as well. I wish her the best and hope she finds a good buyer for the rabbits she is selling and I'm thrilled that I have found some that I believe will suit my needs. Living, learning, and moving on. :D
That's an excellent attitude. :)

RoosterMania":33b164nd said:
This place is definitely a haven of knowledge and encouragement. Thanks to all who have contributed. I'm learning a ton here!
I have learned almost everything I know about rabbits right here at RT. It's a great place to be!

Sounds like you've got some great plans! For your run, you don't need much (if any) full sun available. It doesn't take long for a rabbit to have a heat stroke in direct sunlight when it's warm. Dappled shade to full shade would likely be much safer.

Also, keep in mind raptors like eagles and hawks. You may want to screen or tarp the top of the run, or just put it in a well-treed area. This will make it difficult for a hawk to swoop in and make off with a rabbit. Maybe you don't have them where you live, but we sure do!!!
Miss M raises an important point about grow-out shelters and predators. You will need to give very careful thought to the structures. They must not only be strong enough to keep predators out, but also planned to keep the rabbits from digging out and escaping. The rabbits need protection from the elements.

A fairly minor consideration is the time required for grow-out on pasture. Unless heavily supplemented with something like alfalfa hay or pellets, those rabbits will not be ready at 8-10 weeks. When I fed pellets long ago, it took 10-12 weeks for my meat mutts to reach 5 pounds. They ate a LOT of pellets and the meat cost me about $1.50 a pound.

When I switched to an all natural diet of alfalfa and grass hay, greens and some grain, my cost per pound dropped dramatically to about 75 cents... but the fryers took 14-16 weeks to get to the 5 pound mark. This was not a matter of concern for me, but it is certainly something that you need to consider.

Good luck with your project! :clover: :clover: :clover: It is certainly "doable" but you need to go in with realistic expectations so that you do not become frustrated and discouraged.
RoosterMania":6qk6a7cd said:
This place is definitely a haven of knowledge and encouragement. Thanks to all who have contributed. I'm learning a ton here!

I adopted my first-ever pet rabbit last September, two months after I first discovered RT. I would *never, but never* have had the nerve or the faintest idea of how to feed him mostly on hay and gathered/foraged plants without the information here. The other sources I found, both in print and online, were of the "pellets + some hay, with occasional small snacks of veggies and fruit" theory for feeding, but Parsley likes eating Real Rabbit Food! I don't know what I'd do with, say, six or seven rabbits, but RT has been holding my hand all the way with my one Rabbit Buddy. :)
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a breeder of Americans, we aren't all like that! I currently sell for $35 a head for freshly weaned pedigreed bunnies, $25 without pedigrees. I raised my prices a little recently when I noticed folks were selling mutts on craigslist for the same price I was asking for my carefully selected and exhaustively documented production purebreds. But I find it hard to predict what will come from 6 to 10 week old stock, especially after they leave my rabbitry, so I can't imagine asking much more. On rare occasion I will sell an older rabbit who can't do anything more for me genetically, but I don't understand how people can keep enough rabbits around to provide mature starter trio.

It sounds like you are on to a better option. Just remember, just because they are a commercial type breed, it doesn't mean that particular line will perform well. Ask pointed questions about litter sizes, litter frequency, age at butchering weight, if the rabbits will breed year round, etc. If the breeder can't or won't answer, look for someone else.
Good luck!
Just wanted to update everyone on our rabbit situation. We set out Saturday around noon on what should have been a 1 1/2 hour trip to get our rabbits. It turned into a 4 hr journey thanks to my directional handicap and my incompetent GPS. The Google Maps gal was as lost as I was. Thankfully the breeder, who turns out to be a member of the RabbitTalk family, was able to get me back on track. Once we arrived, she was extremely friendly and helpful in answering all my 1 million questions. She set us up as promised. I came home with a beautiful NZ red buck and two adorable little does (a blue and gold tip steel). My son bought a big NZ white doe and our breeder bred her to a buck of his choice and then gave him a 50% discount for being in 4H. I haven't been able to wipe the smile off his face for three days. Our breeder friend also sent us a message with all the pertinent record keeping info on our rabbits. This experience, as well as all the friendly help I've received on this thread have made my previous experience a distant memory. Thanks again to everyone! :D :D

P.S. - I plan on posting some pics of our setup when I get the time to take them. I'll start a new thread in the appropriate section so keep your eyes peeled! ;)
Marvelous! :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

Looking forward to pix! :p

So great that you were able to find a member of RT to work with, too! It's so nice to hear of members meeting in the "real world". :)

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