alternative feeding in the usa

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Aug 19, 2013
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I have been reading a lot of the posts for this topic and everyone seems to be over in england I was wondering if anyone in the states is doing this and how it is working out.
Hi Pwa!


I'm in California, and I don't feed pellets. I feed alfalfa hay and barley, oats, and BOSS. Weeds and greens are given as the seasons allow.
Hello PWA and welcome to RabbitTalk. :welcome:

Where did you get the idea that most of the natural feeders are from the UK? Actually we have very few British members... most of us are from Canada or the United States.
Welcome, PW!

I'm on the southeast coast of NC (spoken with a Gulf Coast Southern drawl).

I'm still using pellets but also feed forage (grass & weeds & trees), sprouts (wheat/oats/BOSS/flaxseed), and hay (coastal bermuda -- can't get affordable alfalfa here). I tried the fodder thing and end up with mold all the time. I recently tried to switch them over from rabbit pellets to alfalfa pellets but they said a collective "NO, WAY, MA'AM!" The only way I'm getting them to eat the alfalfa pellets at all is adding an ACV/Molassas mix to it but even then, they really would rather not, thank you very much. sigh...thankfully, the chickens will eat the uneaten alfalfa so it doesn't go completely to waste. Oh, and they also get the occasional kale, apple slices, orange slices, rosebush trimmings, etc.

I'm working on growing more forage materials in my yard...such as mulberry trees, dogwood, lilac, roses, blackberry and raspberry bushes, blueberries, and willow (Carolina willow). It will take some time to get established but eventually, I'm hoping to be feeding my animals almost exclusively from my own half-acre yard.