Almond tree branches?

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
Could bunnies chew on them?

I know wild almonds are toxic, but am not sure about the branches from the trees themselves. We have a few wild almond trees on the property and was wondering if they were safe for chewing?

Also have an elderberry tree, a walnut tree and some cedars. Lots of pears in the area, but I do not know any of the property owners.

Just wanting to give them something to chew on.
Elder is a no-no; and I was told that any fruit with a stone in (so almond, peach, plum etc) was toxic too - as in the branches were toxic, not the fruit.
Have any pine trees? My bunny LOVES pine cones.

Of the ones you listed, I would pass on all of those.