ALL THE GREAT REASONS to raise rabbits for meat.

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Raising rabbits are great for the "Stealth" qualities they possess for raising them in a neighborhood that doesn't allow you to raise livestock. What they don't know won't hurt them. :lol: My neighbors DON'T HAVE A CLUE that I'm raising them on the side of my house behind my 6 foot wooden fence. I LOVE being able to feed my family from my backyard without anyone knowing.
I love how much such a seemingly simple animal makes me think and use creative solutions to new and different problems.

And how my kids have learned to work for their food and pocket money by caring for the rabbits and other livestock.

Oh, and how soft and beautiful the tanned hides are.
I know this is an old thread, but I was wanting some answers to a few questions I didn't see here...
I am totally not against meat breeding! (In fact I would consider raising for meat in the future when I get out on my own. :p )
But how would you convince (better stated: how would you give the benefits) of meat breeding to someone who is a vegan, and/or doesn't care about store bought meat?
Practically all the answers here were because they knew where their meat comes from, but how do you answer someone who just thinks: "Oh the poor bunnies!" ;)

I know there will always be people who disagree, but what are some benefits other than good healthy meat?

Sagebrush":3gbw4b9e said:
I have asthma which is set off by mold and bird dander. So I cannot do critters like cows and goats, I also cannot do chickens even though my dad wishes that I would.

"Do" am assuming as in butchering? Or do you mean eating?
Easy Ears, I used to be vegan. I am very respectful of everyone's eating choices. I honestly don't think there is anything that anyone can say to convince a person that it is either good or bad to eat meat. I enjoy being around animals so much and I enjoy improving breeds. It was just something that came to us.... to use the animal culls for food is right for our family.
You can't answer emotions with logic EasyEars. We all learn that one at some point if we choose a path that tweeks someones emotional triggers
Some vegans that I know have been very pro to the backyard breeder/small farmer. Some not so much. Overall it's best to ignore the haters. I like the fact that I know were my food came from and what went into it.

I truly hate factory farms and am slowly working my family away from them.
There are a few reasons I got into raising rabbits. The single most important reason for me would have to be self sufficiency. I take great pride in being able to provide my family with hormone and steroid free meat. I believe that this country is headed for some rough times and i pray that im wrong. I beleive that raising my own meat rabbits, I feel like I'm just one step ahead of my fellow neighbor. Food is definitely not getting any cheaper especially meat. Think about it, every few years or so we always hear of some scare about tainted meat that made it from the slaughterhouse, to the food stores and into your homes where it could possibly be in your refrigerator or on the stove or worse. By raising your own meat you dont have to worry about such things. Rabbit is a forgotten meat, and it shouldn't be. Raising rabbits for meat is a lifestyle and I understand it's not for everybody. Raising rabbits for meat has been done for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's almost has become a lost art. I'm trying to live a less frugal and a much simpler life. By raising my own meat rabbits and by raising my own chickens, I feel a little more connected and a little less stressed because I know we always have that meal in the freezer not so far away.
Like MSD, we are animal lovers and this lets us have LOTS of animals, lots of babies and a purpose and reason for each one.
Self-sufficiency, humanely raised meat, educational value and challenging goals are also right up there.
As a parent and homeschooler it teaches good stewardship, respect, science, business skills, planning, good housekeeping, observation skills and so many other valuable lessons for kids.