Alfalfa pellets?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Rockford, IL
TSC has bags of these for horses/goats/etc. They also have timothy hay pellets. Much cheaper than feed.

I don't know the size of them, but if they're small enough...could I use them in addition to fresh/dried forage, oats and BOSS? Or is it entirely unsuitable?
If they'll eat it you can use them but they are big pellets and most won't touch them. Blocks work better and what I use for my house bunny so I don't have hay everywhere while providing alfalfa or timothy to his diet.
Some rabbits won't eat them, I have had much better luck with the alfalfa cubes. I prefer to feed alfalfa over timothy because the timothy is lower in protein, Sometimes people feeding a natural diet have slower growth rates and it's usually due to low protein. I have fed grass hay, alfalfa cubes and whole grains for years with good luck. This year I won't be using alfalfa cubes because my hay is alfalfa/grass.

Commercial rabbit pellets are primarily alfalfa and grain.
Mine won't eat pellets, either, but they'll eat the cubes. I find that they waste less with the cubes than they do with loose hay, also.
Mine won't eat the cubes or pellets. So then I had a 40 pound bag of alfalfa pellets to use up. I tried to feed them to the pigs and they wouldn't touch them either. I finally gave them to a lady with goats. They didn't seem crazy about them but at least they're not my problem anymore.
Mine wouldn't eat them and the pellets are much larger, might of been the reason why.
They'll eat the horse hay cubes, though. Took about a year before they accepted them and oats.
Frosted gave me some horse feed, Seminole I think is the barn. It's got all kinds of hers, oats, and stuff, maybe you could try that?
I used horse feed for a year as their alfalfa and grain supplement. Along with those big soft (not the hard trace mineral) mineral blocks.