Aggressive new mother - think she'll calm down?

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Feb 1, 2024
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Hey all! I've got a new mother who just had her first litter two weeks ago. It was a rough one for her I think -- she had a single kit the first day and then two more (one stillborn) the next day. The two survivors are doing well, nice and fat and wriggly, just starting to open their eyes.

Their momma, Louise, though, is now being aggressive to me whenever I go into her cage to clean or poke at the kits. She rushes my (gloved) hand, rise and attacks with her front paws, grunts and tries to bite. It's surprising sudden aggression, and I've taken to using a stick to move her hay/poop mess around (which she still attacks, but just nips at the stick and then jumps back to sit atop the nest box). She's always been a bit skittish, but never previously aggressive towards humans. None of my 3 other does (two with the same parentage, though different litters) care when I reach into their cage to clean or examine their days-old kits.

I'm currently chalking it up to "first litter jitters" and overprotectiveness due to the small litter, but if she doesn't chill out, I'm thinking to replace her. Has anybody encountered similarly aggressive behaviour from a new mother? Do you think she'll cool down once her lil ones are hopping around?
Hey all! I've got a new mother who just had her first litter two weeks ago. It was a rough one for her I think -- she had a single kit the first day and then two more (one stillborn) the next day. The two survivors are doing well, nice and fat and wriggly, just starting to open their eyes.
I give my mommas a treat... oats, greens, sunflower seeds every time I'm in her space checking on her babies. I have a first mum that is a bit nervous and protective but the treats seem to do the job of distraction. This morning the kits squeaked (I think from the cold air) and she jumped into the box. They are only a couple days old. But nothing like you are seeing.
I'm still a noob but I would let her raise this litter while protecting yourself. Then reassess if she calms down as they grow up. At this point you want her kits to grow up safe and sound.

When my mamas get pushy I just cup the top of their head and push down gently while I do my quick check or whatever. I also now usually bring them a treat. That would be a piece of arugula or their oats or BOSS in a small bowl. But their kits are 6 weeks now and they are both sick to death of them and don't care what I do!

Edit: F my phone!
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