Well-known member
I have a friend who has been using alternate feeding methods for her dogs, and with her vet she's found an ideal diet...but it is heavy with rabbit meat since he has food allergies to certain other meats. Right now she's paying about $300 a month for forty pounds of rabbit carcasses, and the food bill sounds very expensive to me. She wants to know if I would be willing to supply about forty to fifty pounds of rabbit per month and if so, what would I charge...and I just don't know.
I raise rabbits for meat for my own table...I "sell" one here and there to friends for traditional or ethic/cultural dishes, but I've never considered really selling meat rabbits on a larger or more permanent scale. Should I even consider it? Since it is for the consumption of dogs, do I have to worry about FDA regulations? How much is a meat rabbit worth, anyways? She admitted she'd pay a little extra for me to clean them for I'd be keeping the skins, too.
It would mean some initial investment, too, since as I told her I just can't produce that much right now, I have one meat doe of a breeding age for pete's sake!
I'd need a few more quality does. Can one buck (my big New Zealand) service a number of does on a regular basis? (that latter part, I would assume so, he's a hulking virile fellow!)
I was thinking and thinking about it all afternoon at work, and the only reason I haven't told her a flat-out NO is the thought that my rabbits might pay for themselves is attractive. I need some new show stock, and the costs of showing aren't always super-cheap...maybe I could make my hobby a little less expensive, or even break even if I got lucky?
What're your thoughts, fellow Rabbit folk?
I raise rabbits for meat for my own table...I "sell" one here and there to friends for traditional or ethic/cultural dishes, but I've never considered really selling meat rabbits on a larger or more permanent scale. Should I even consider it? Since it is for the consumption of dogs, do I have to worry about FDA regulations? How much is a meat rabbit worth, anyways? She admitted she'd pay a little extra for me to clean them for I'd be keeping the skins, too.
It would mean some initial investment, too, since as I told her I just can't produce that much right now, I have one meat doe of a breeding age for pete's sake!
I was thinking and thinking about it all afternoon at work, and the only reason I haven't told her a flat-out NO is the thought that my rabbits might pay for themselves is attractive. I need some new show stock, and the costs of showing aren't always super-cheap...maybe I could make my hobby a little less expensive, or even break even if I got lucky?
What're your thoughts, fellow Rabbit folk?