The other day I noticed that my buck was stretched out laying on his side asleep. I opened the cage and the female came to me but he just remained there. I reached in and he jumped up and became active. He ate, drank, groomed himself. I had taken a picture and sent it to the guy I got them from and he called me telling me the rabbit was over heated. He told me how to check their ears and use ice cubes to cool them next time. Since then I have observed him doing this several times. Weather was 64 one night he was doing this. Today I brought them both inside in the AC. The temperature was down to 60 or colder and he still stretched out on his side and went to sleep. She went about her daily routine of pulling all the hay out of the hay holder and piling it in the corner then eating it and he just stretched out and went to sleep. Is there something wrong with him? Or rather am I doing anything wrong?