About time!

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May 24, 2012
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I haven't had a litter since June, my fall breeding was screwed up due to well problems, then winter stubbornness set in...and at long last, I have some babies!

What is this, her 3rd or 4th shot? and I finally got kits from Pyrite! And goodness, she surprised me in a good way. I was expecting another dud because she hadn't shown any hint of nesting, but sometime today she pulled fur and kindled 4 little babes in the box. Now fingers crossed she’ll feed them. They were chilly 'cause of a lack of bedding, but they're warming up now. :D
Looks like a couple REWs, a black, and gosh what I hope is the chocolate sable point I've been after. Might just be a tort, though, I dunno. I'll know for sure soon enough.
Little french angoras....I can't wait for them to be fluffy little dustbunnies. :D <br /><br /> -- Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:53 pm -- <br /><br /> OHHHHH OH OH~ I don't know what colors I have and that thrills me. :p One I thought was a REW has a silvery blue tint to it now. I thought it was dead for a second, but it was fine. lol I wonder if I could have a smoke pearl?


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The blue-tinted one's got super faint tort-pattern markings now. Thinking sable point of some shade now. :?

They're less than a day old. I need to quit speculating at least until they get bellies on them. :roll:


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As I read all the threads with kits and see the various colors and all the excitement about what colors they will be, I often feel a touch of envy. I breed American Blues. All of mine are nearly identical. All lovely gray. Any variation is imperceptible. The only one I have with any difference in color is my older buck. He has some very slight tan/brownish patches on his rump. I realize this is considered a negative trait in Americans, so I hope to breed that out of my line. Apart from minor differences in physical body build and temperament, it's quite difficult to tell mine apart.

However, I will definitely say that those kits are gorgeous.
Stephanie":ym7j9bto said:
As I read all the threads with kits and see the various colors and all the excitement about what colors they will be, I often feel a touch of envy. I breed American Blues. All of mine are nearly identical. All lovely gray. Any variation is imperceptible. The only one I have with any difference in color is my older buck. He has some very slight tan/brownish patches on his rump. I realize this is considered a negative trait in Americans, so I hope to breed that out of my line. Apart from minor differences in physical body build and temperament, it's quite difficult to tell mine apart.

However, I will definitely say that those kits are gorgeous.
If it's any consolation, I envy anyone who can breed a uniform litter. :? I'm so indecisive, every litter ends up multicolor.

eehehehe pretty babes..


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I just had to post this. I got a kit recently with just a tad of coloration difference. And it's as cute as can be. The little buckling is all blueish gray like his parents, except for two small white spots, one on his left front paw, and the other on his nose. It's almost a shame that he is intended for freezer camp. But, as cute as he is, it IS a defect in the breed.
Anabel's litter 002.jpg
I got back and forth - part of me wants all REW or something single colored that I can't get attached to or fuss over... then I get bored and start breeding my REWs with random couple other rabbits I have, just for fun :oops: :lol: . My ADD comes out, even in rabbits! :roll:

Cute babies - it's interesting to see the color differences, even so young!
Stephanie":twenssur said:
I just had to post this. I got a kit recently with just a tad of coloration difference. And it's as cute as can be. The little buckling is all blueish gray like his parents, except for two small white spots, one on his left front paw, and the other on his nose. It's almost a shame that he is intended for freezer camp. But, as cute as he is, it IS a defect in the breed.
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I used to get white toes sometimes in my black meat mutt project! I always wanted to keep them every single time. :lol: <br /><br /> -- Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:10 pm -- <br /><br /> The babies have been struggling but surviving.
The REW seems pretty normal, but everyone else is pretty runty. Turns out the questionable kit is smoke pearl, and is the runtiest of the bunch. It's kinda cute how dang tiny she is! :p
The white is 166 grams, and the runt is 96g.

The white is nice and docile. The others? They are the poppiest popples I have ever had. They're insane! I was dying of laughter the other night watching them flip over on their backs and flail, and they were even throwing caution to the wind and launching themselves off my desk like furry frogs. :lol: I had to put them away because they were too crazy.


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