A tatto question

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Oct 4, 2013
Reaction score
Trenton, Maine
When should or when can a rabbit be tattooed? It's the left ear, right? And honestly, I'm kind of apprehensive about doing this because of pain... at this point I'm not sure who's going to feel it more, me or the rabbit. :oops:
I like to do it at 6-8wks. They seem to feel it less. Also, you can use GiGi anesthetic spray that they sell at Sally Beauty supply for waxing to numb the ear.
Good idea on the numbing lotion. I own a hair salon and was thinking about throwing my numbing lotion out because I've never used it. When tattooing at such a young age, how well do the tattoo's hold up as they grow as in I know they're going to fade, but do they stay legible as the ears grow? Also, I have a number of rabbits that are much older...those are the ones I'm most worried about doing, is it going to be more difficult on an older rabbit??
I've tattooed older rabbits with no problems, and I get very little fading, but I also used to tattoo people, so I would say I have a bit of experience.

As the kits age and grow, the tattoos will 'grow' too. To make sure they don't fade, don't be afraid to tattoo deep. Well, if your using a gun that is. If your using a punch squeeze hard. Think of it this way, on a human, and I'm assuming a rabbit is probably the same, but you want to go through 3-4 of the 7 layers of skin to get a good, clean line that will stay. That's half way through our skin. You'll want to do the same for a rabbit.

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