A little discouraged.....updated with pics!

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
Well the whole month of September I put my 4 does with my 2 bucks off and on, hoping that someone would take. We are going into our busy season coming off of the miserably hot summer, and the goal is to have a group ready to sell at Christmastime (or around then) in time for another one for Easter, and maybe some inbetween if the gals can swing it. But they are animals, unpredictable, and I have only 1 that has had kits before (I sold a doe and lost a buck so now I am down to 4). I have seen a lot of movement in their bellys but no babies. The buck I have left is not proven, but has the right parts and they look normal so I assume he will be able to make something happen. I have noticed hes easily excited and has tons of fall offs but doenst finish in the right spot (it ends up all over the girls tails and backs), and that combined with our hot summer has me thinking that maybe I need to try and rebreed them. But I have tried putting the girls (all 3 of them) back in with him and no one is willing. Once gets vocal and lets him know, the others just try and get away from him and/or hunker down and lay flat. I have seen a lot of nesting behavior, but its been going on for 3 weeks. 1 haystached and pulled fur (just a little), and ALL of them are digging and trying to burrow like crazy. I am not good at palpating them, but have also noticed their shapes changing. This past week I did switch feed on them, as I had been finding a lot of mold in my feed. And I have an ongoing ad on Craigslist that I have been getting a lot of replies from, people who are ready for bunnies! I know rabbits will keep you guessing, and are unpredictable just like other animals. I am just sooooo ready to get things going again! I think I will consider them bred for one more week, and if nothing happens assume none took and start trying to breed them in an exercise area again. They all usually like that, and are already on ACV all the time. Hope it works, what would you do?

-- Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:57 pm --


I think part of me is disappointed because I want to get to a point where I can get good at knowing whats going on and their behaviors too. If this isn't babies moving around in her belly, I don't know what I am seeing, lol!
:( I empathize with you. The Hollands are such a tough lot that I keep predictable Netherlands to fill in the gaps. I have a woman on my waitlist since July wanting a holland. First time was a false pregnancy. Then no lift. Then double success in the pregnancy department that ended in a litter of 4 dead and a reabsorbed litter. So frustrating.

I have one doe who refuses to lift for my black buck but is all over my fawn buck, cuddling and running around. Apparently my girls are choosy with their suitors. I have another who refuses to lift. Period. Nope. No thanks. I've added three does who are still juniors hoping that more might better my odds.

If it were me, I'd have a second buck just in case you've got picky girls or your first buck isn't up to the task.

But.....I'm hardly one to give too much advice considering my holland success is at 0%

Thanks tiny buns, I really am frustrated. We don't have a lot of cage space so I don't know if another buck is feasable, but it's something to consider. The 3 that I do have did seem ok with him at times. I would love to have something easy for the in-between times, but that also involves more space too. Our first litter was sucessful and took a little more than 6 weeks to get (a false pregnancy in there too). I breed for the pet market only, so if it was really easy I could end up with more than I can sell, so I suppose some of the frustration is actually good in that respect......I guess I'll just have to re evaluate as these things come up and keep learning:)
Oh I hear you :). We converted the garden shed into a bunny barn--bye bye to plans for that to be our darkroom.....

I have 24x24 cages along one wall. Room for 8 there. And when i decided to expand to the other side with 6 more 24x24 lol. Well it's cozy. So I hear you about room for more bunnies. Mason my 13 year old has the Netherlands and mom loves the Hollands. :). I'm not a super patient person so bunny husbandry is learning experience. :lol:
It IS a learning experience:). And normally I enjoy it quite a bit, and like the risks and rewards that are involved. But occasionally frustration sinks in, lol. We started breeding rabbits to teach our 10 yr old about finances and the costs of running a business. The rabbits are all technically hers, and she does a lot of the chores. I am the one who does the planning and research, and present her with ideas that will hopefully make the business prosper. Our goal is that they would have enough litters to pay for their own feed and upkeep, and that she will start saving the rest. She's obvously too young for a job, but can start learning now and work hard at home:) <br /><br /> -- Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:57 pm -- <br /><br /> Penis looks to be normal, like our proven bucks did when we still had him. But I have noticed the topic coming up a lot lately, so I'll double check that thread and pics. Thanks-Any advice helps!
Gee whiz, we have more in common than I realized! We started with my son for pretty much the same reasons. We have the same frustrations, joys and the same distribution of labor ;) .
That's so neat, and it's great to be able to chat with someone who understands! She just turned 10 on 10/8, so they are probably at the same grade level:). We may have picked one of the harder breeds, but they are oh so cute when it works out! I hope you will have your time soon:)

Dood-does a split penis usually present this type of problem?
Just so you don't feel so bad.....I was chatting with my breeder friend tonight. She just had two does kindle. A gorgeous litter of 4 perfect broken chocolate Hollands and another of 3 tort Hollands--all 7 born dead. This is definitely not an easy breed.
Awe those would have been beautiful! I hope she try's again soon. It does help to know it's not just us. My husband has been laid off since April so I REALLY want these animals to feed themselves, and that's added pressure for us here.
See....small world. I've been off on a leave since last September. Money isn't growing on that darn money tree yet so I need these buns to pay for themselves :lol:
Very small! If you are wanting to get back to work I hope it happens for you soon!

-- Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:23 am --

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Here is a pic of his penis-Dood or anyone else, if you see anything that could be making it difficult to hit the mark please let me know! <br /><br /> -- Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:26 am -- <br /><br /> And another. It was tough to hold him and the phone, so my 3 yr old took the pic for me. Hope you can get a clear picture of what it looks like!

photo (3).JPG
Ugh. So frustrating!
We got Hollands for the same reasons... my 10 year old chose them, paid for them etc.
BUt they were not worth the effort~ they were so much more work than my big guys that we decided to let them go.
I remember you said that Lori, and I can understand your frustration.
We may be going a different route too, not ready to give up on them just yet. We are in a suburban setting and only sell for pets, and the breed is very desirable for our location and situation. But I can't have customer waiting with no bunnies to sell forever, so I'll keep you posted;). I am hoping a couple of good breeding does and solid buck will be all we need to stay busy, once we get the right combo. <br /><br /> -- Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:17 pm -- <br /><br /> I am happy to report some good news at the end of the day. I got 4 fall offs and my senior doe lifted perfectly twice! That all means they probably aren't about to have kits but as long as our buck isn't heat sterile, he seemed to hit the right spot 4 times! I checked both of them and they had semen in their vents afterwards. So that is giving me some hope for success! And I am hoping that now that Nibbles has found where it goes he will know from now on:) Marking the calendar for 31 days!
holland lops do best if you keep them working.

If you have a big cage and willing to risk it... :) Put a doe and a buck together and just leave them be for a week or two. Difficult to breed does will generally be bred by the end of the week.
Interesting! I see how that could be great for pregnancy success. I do know they will do best when they are continually bred, and it was a tough choice to put them on break over the summer. Due to our current circumstances and set up, I felt I had to give them a break or risk loosing them to heat stroke . I have toyed with the idea of making some changes and keeping them going year round, and this might do the trick if I can keep them from fighting. I am not totally confident they won't injure
themselves, and I wish I had a bigger cage to allow this type of a breeding routine.....may find a way to do it anyway!

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