A little about me and mine

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Only change really was temp. :) Alaska and Hawaii are so similar in the cultures, lifestyles, etc. Lots of Hawaiians in Alaska and lots of Alaskans in Hawaii. Many folks that commerical fish, live both places. :)

LOTS of rain both places. At least here it's WARM rain. hehe!
Hi! I'm a "newbie" to the site, it was recommended to me by AnnClaire, (Hi AnnClaire, thanks!:) My 2 daughters and I are just starting out with 2 mini lops (that's one of them in my avatar taken today), we are really enjoying them! We have a broken black buck and a broken chessnut aghouti(sp?) doe. They are just around 9wks now I think, and my girls had them outside today enjoying some fresh air. Our plan is to get the buck neutered and maybe the doe too, but I'm a little nervous about having her done. Any recommendations would be appreciated. We are really enjoying them, and I'm learning a lot about diet and care from all of you by browsing the site, so thanks!
*Beautiful pictures dayna! Nice to meet you! I live in Michigan, and it's still pretty darn cold here! Although, we did have a nice spring day today.