A little about me and mine

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
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Big Island of Hawaii
I've been a member now for a short while. I've posted a bit and gotten some great advice!

My name is Dayna, I live in Keaau Hawaii. I moved here a year ago from Juneau Alaska. I moved myself, my husband, my teenaged daughter, 7 parrots a dog here. :)

We'd been planning on moving here for a while. Our plans were put on hold when in Dec 2010, I took my Mom to the ER because she wasn't acting normal. She was always very healthy but all the sudden didn't even know what day it was. They found a large brain tumor. She was dischared to me that night, I didn't sleep a wink. They should have kept her, she had a seizure and I took her back. A couple days later I had her stable enough to fly to Seattle. We saw a neurosurgeon named Dr. Nussbaum. He saved my moms life for the first time two days after we met. He removed as much tumor as he could. We finally had a name for the cancer. Glioblastoma Multiforme. AKA "the terminator".

Chemo, radiation, etc. A year later the tumor was back and Dr Nussbaum did a second crainiotomy and saved my Moms life again. She sadly passed away the day before Mothers day 2012 with me by her side, helping to ease her into the afterlife. I washed her body, and sent her for cremation. (my parents were divorced so I was "IT" to care for her during her entire illness).

A week later my husband got a phone call from someone in Hawaii. They offered him his DREAM job within the government. He's an investigator. My Mom had passed away, so I had nothing holding me back but my EX refusing to give me custody of my daughter.

She called her Dad up and said if you don't sign it, I'll get emancipated. So he signed.

Everything fell into place, one peice after another. We showed up with no place to live and 7 parrots and a teenager. (granted we could camp but geeeze). We had a two night rental. The first day here I found a cottage for rent that would allow me to have the parrots! We rented that for two months while we looked at houses.

When it seemed we wouldn't find a house, a foreclosure came on the market. We placed an offer and closed in record time. 24 hours before our lease was up at the cottage. :)

So now we're raising goats, rabbits, chickens, etc. I have a sannen bred to a boer goat due next weekend. The rabbits are being raised for meat/pets for sale.

I have a 3 acre guava orchid that I'm learning how to care for. I also raise other veggies and fruits, but having come from Alaska I really don't know how to grow anything. lol Plus we've just finished building the aviary for our macaws and are working on the aviaries for our amazons and cockatoo.

Our chickens just started laying and I dance each time I find a new egg.

I miss my Mom. A lot. For almost two years I took care of her every need. I provided all her care. Cleaning apartment, cleaning her, medication, doc appointments, emotional, everything. The anniversery this year falls ON mothers day. It's going to be a really hard day for me this year. I'm 34, she was 56. Too young to be seperated.

My daughter is 16, she's fabulous. She is in AP everyhing, starting college this summer and graduating highschool a year early. She wants to go to med schoo. I'm so proud, I dropped out at 16 and got a ged and had her at 17. She's already so much of a better person and so much smarter than me.

I quilt, a special type of quilting. I do an applique of art work that I created of parrots onto quilt squares. So far I've auctioned off a few for parrot rescues like The Gabriel Foudnation. It's a labor of love. I've recently started painting in acrylics on canvas and that's pretty fun. :) Birds have been my subjects so far.

I'm not religious but have taken an interest in the Bible. There is a series on TV that is pretty hollywood. I am planning on reading the bible. It's an interesting book.

I read a lot. I love hanging out with my goats. I adore star trek in all it's series.

I'm sure there's more but that's probably bored you all to death. I just wanted to put a personality with a user name.
Ok first of all remember Jesus loves you and so do I, and this is the first time I have seen you on rabbit talk so welcome, yay someone who is in a time zone that is later than mine, your mother now lives on with you and we all would love to hear your stories about Parrots or Rabbits or whatever you might wish to discuss, welome to rabbit talk. :hi:
Dayna, what an interesting full life you have. Your family sounds amazing. You are blessed.

I, too, have helped a loved one transition through this life. I know how heartbreakingly hard it can be. I will pray for peace and grace for you. You said you want to read the Bible. I thoroughly suggest you do. You might find some answers there you don't know you're looking for.

I would love to hear about the transition from Alaska to Hawaii. What a change.

Not boring at all, Dayna...I think it's great to "know" someone more than just a name on a forum :) Yes, it's "Rabbit Talk" but we're all so much more than just our rabbits!

Sounds like you've had some good karma working for you but then again, it also sounds like you worked hard for that karma. You're right...56 is far too young, but then I lost mine when she was 95 and I wasn't nearly "done" either...we never outgrow our need for the love, support and wisdom of our mothers/grandmothers...or whoever it is on our lives that gives us those things. For me it was Gran...and although it's been 7 years, I still talk to her every day...she's still alive and healthy in my heart :)

What a change...AK to HI! I've never gardened in such a warm place either...I was thrilled when I moved from central Canada (zone 3) to northern Colorado (zone 5). The Easy Garden is a great forum all about gardening, and there are folks there who garden in tropical areas...you might find it a useful spot for information...really nice people there too...many are also members here.

Looking forward to hearing more of your adventure! Live long and prosper ;)
If I was bored I would have stopped reading at I've been. LOL glad to have you here at R/T. What a change of life for you.
from one extream to another. when I was very young, my Father was in the Air Force. we moved from Ca. to Maine, then 3 years latter we moved to Porto Rico, then back to Ca.
I lost my mother 21 years ago, very suddenly, over night. I talk to her daily, I tell her about my children she never met. and one day she will met them.
I am a Born Again Christian. I Believe one day I will see my mother again.
May I suggest you start reading the Bible with the New Testament. If you have the time, read 1 chapter a day and 5 chapters on Sunday. you will have read the entire Bible in 1 year. I also read 1 chapter in Proverbs each day.

Best wishes for your new life, please keep us informed with you new home and your animals. I have always wanted to raise Macaws
but never found the time or money.

I also love animals, Star Trek and the Bible. See, we have so much in common.

You have gone through some rough patches, and still, you have come out smiling. One of my new favorite songs is Blessings by Laura Story. I'm still working on that was well.
That wasn't boring at all! :) Really neat to know you a little better!

I'm so sorry you lost your mom at such a young age. About the age I lost my dad. My mom almost died when I was born, and I thank God for every day I have her!

I have an aunt who lives in Alaska, so I've heard plenty about the weather there! That is quite a transition, from Alaska to the constantly warm Hawaii! That would be interesting to hear about what a change that's been.

I also am a born-again Christian. :) One thing I love about the Bible is that it's such a real book. Real people, real situations... it doesn't gloss over anything or try to make people look better than they really were.

Your daughter sounds absolutely wonderful! :D

We would love to see pictures of your quilting, too, by the way... and your guava orchard, and anything else! :p

We love Star Trek too... even the kids... we watched the whole original series together, and they loved it! Now we're watching The Munsters, Gilligan's Island, and Green Acres, and very old horror flicks (30s - 50s, the ones you can laugh at :p ).

Sorry, got carried away... :oops:
Wow, you live in an awesome part of the country. My wife and I should be driving right through your town on the way to hike Mauna Kea in October.
Read the bible. :) I also recommend the Havamal (one of my own religious texts...don't worry it's super short LOL) and the Qur'an (sadly, that is SUPER-long, I haven't made as much progress as I'd like).......in fact I encourage reading all religious texts. :)

Your daughter sounds awesome, congrats on being an awesome mom!!!!
That wasn't boring at all! I found your life quite interesting. You have a lot of animal!! LOVE it lol! I am so happy that everything fell into place for you! I bet it is a very big change for Alaska to Hawaii..
Thanks everyone. I like the idea about reading one chapter a day and 5 on Sunday. I would probably choose a different day though as Sunday is a busy day on the farm.

I'm not sure where I fall in the whole religion thing. I believe in God, but am just on the fence. I don't like church. I've not liked many of the folks I've met in church. The only part of church I ever liked was the singing part! lol

I would rather worship on my own at home.

Here's a quilt I auctioned off for a parrot sanctuary in 2011:


And a small bird quilt I auctioned off a the next year:


Here is my scarlet macaw in his aviary:


And my Blue and Gold Darwin.

I just LOVE your quilts!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea how to do applique...I took a very basic quilting class (and took some heavy teasing for it, too) but I'm again, ultra-basic. How do you DO that??? I'd love to learn!!!
I saw the quilts, then you had to go and do it.
I love your macaws. If I could afford one I would choose the scarlet. years ago I met a breeder of green macaws.
I was on a waiting list for a long time. I never did get the chance to get one, I moved and lost her info.

I am like you when it comes to church, after 19 years in one church I had it tie church. However the church I now attend. been here 5 years, I can hardly wait for service. My pastor has declaired the church a regelous free zone.
No Religon, Just Jesus. I do not ave to fight with my kids to go. they have so much activities for the kids.

Thank you for sharing you little bit of paradise with us.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":2vp9ilt5 said:
I just LOVE your quilts!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea how to do applique...I took a very basic quilting class (and took some heavy teasing for it, too) but I'm again, ultra-basic. How do you DO that??? I'd love to learn!!!

Kyle it is very basic! Next time you are at the fabric store pick up something called "steam a seam". Just a small size.

Take a peice of fabric (pretend it's your quilt square) Draw a shape, say do a heart, on your steam a seam (its got like this wax paper on it so use pencil pen doesn't work). Iron the steam a seam heart (don't cut out the shape you drew yet) on the wrong side of a second piece of fabric. Then after it cools, cut out your heart. At this point you should have the right side of the fabric on one side and the fusable webbing from the steam a seam in the middle and the wax paper backing on the back. Take off the wax paper and stick it on your "quilt square" wherever you want it to go. Then iron it on. I like to sew around the edges with clear thread to hold it in place permanently.

You can see from my birds that I got a little more complicated than that, using layers of steam a seam. I cut out all my peices and lay them on the square to make sure everything is in the right spot and everything looks perfect before I iron them on.

Then you take all your quilt square and sew them together just like a regular quilt. You can use borders, have your square be differet shapes, etc.

When I actually quilt the whole thing together I like to do the outlines of the parrot and branches so when you flip it over, from the back side you see outlines of brances and parrots. :)

Next time I work on one, I'll photo a step by step. :)
Welcome Dayna. Love your quilts. Years ago I used to raise and show finches. I was always nervous around the big parrots though. I also love watching star trek.
Hi Dayna, Welcome again! LOL

I love seeing your menagerie ... more photos please :laugh2:

We went to a function at a house that had 8 large parrots ... hiacynths, reds, greens, etc. It was a bit embarrassing as the parrots had free flight in the house and my ex and I both ended up with a parrot on each shoulder and both the blush cockatoos in our hands :blush: ... for hours!

I also had to quit going to a pet store because the parrot they had on a stand would scream bloody murder if I didn't pay attention to it ... I am so sad that I simply cannot afford to keep parrots ... they evidently like us a lot!